[AMBASSADOR] Bulgaria is here!

Day 1,367, 02:29 Published in Cyprus Bulgaria by NKFV

Hello, Cyprus!

I’m NKFV and I was appointed as the new Bulgarian ambassador in Cyprus. I can say that I’m well experienced in the foreign affairs after my terms in Hungary, Romania and Croatia. Also, in the last two months I was MoFA and CP and now I’m looking forward for my new challenge.

In the past month as CP, I made the first step to improve the relations between Bulgaria and Cyprus by proposing MPP. Both countries accepted it and started to cooperate on the battlefield. Now, my task will be to make our countries cooperate better on the diplomatic stage. Our MPP is expiring after few hours, so the first what i did as ambassador was to tell Bulgarian Congress to start discussion for extension. I hope that we will renew it soon.

Now, let me represent you the Bulgarian Government for term August/September. This month we had the most interesting elections during 2011.

SturmmannIYI – 38.03%
eDarkAngel – 34.13%

Podkrepa – 45.47%
Ninoff – 30.20%

Podkrepa – 56.20%
Svetoslav Terter – 17.58%

eDarkangel – 47.82%
dark3lf – 20.11%

Todor Totev – 48.61%
dark3lf – 23.08%

No elections

NKFV – 38.19%
SturmmannIYI – 23.89

eDarkAngel – 35.67%

As you can see the battle between one of the best Bulgarian CPs ever eDarkAngel and one of the leaders of Bulgarian National Front and top-congressmen ULTRABOTEV was very, very tough. Unfortunately, the winner was struck by health-problems and asked for impeachment. I hope that he will recover soon. So, now we have new CP – ULTRABOTEV. The other members of the current government are:

MoD - dido79, deputies - Stenlito and KoHaH
MoFA - Neznainiqotkrainiq, deputy - Gias Gouliev
Ministry of Youths - LpFiend, dark.templar и budem

The last news from Bulgaria is the signed official peace treatment with Turkey. You can see more details here(BG) and here (Tur)

If you need my help you can always send me ingame PM or find me in irc. When i'm on-line i'm always logged in irc, so just type /query NKFV

Best regards.