[AM] The Australian Media Team is Here!

Day 1,889, 17:58 Published in Australia Australia by eAustralian University


Greetings everyone and welcome to the first edition of the Australian Gazette! Throughout this paper we’ll have several different writers, including foreign ones, giving you the news locally and internationally. We’re sponsored and run by the government, but there is ZERO editing (other than grammar) and opinions are welcome! I hope you guys enjoy it and welcome to our first article.

An Interview with President of the eUnited States, Fingerguns

President of the eUnited States, Fingerguns, took time out of her busy schedule to sit down with me on saturday regarding some important international affairs and herself. Here’s the whole interview!

1. Most people know you're the President of the United States. But what originally inspired you to run?
My party asked me to run. The Federalist Party focuses more on social service than politics. We haven't had a Presidential candidate in ages and they felt like now would be the time and I would be the best person for it. I never really aspired to be the President, but with some personal things happening in my real life, I realized that if I were EVER going to do it, it would have to be now.

2. What is America's current stance on Australia and it's movements towards CoT and Chile?
I personally spent all of last month working on the negotiations between Chile and Australia. While America does have an investment in that relationship, I have a more personal desire to see it work out as I spent an absurd amount of the last month trying to make it happen. We would like to be in an alliance with Australia. We are in CoT. So Australia needs to be heading that direction, too, else we find ourselves on.

3. What are some of your future plans regarding CoT, Australia, and your foreign policy in general?
We just became trial members of CoT. We have a few missions in the works that we are executing, mostly with our new alliance. We're getting settle in right now and transitioning. Ithink Australia and Chile have been dealing with a bit of that as well, so you understand. It's hard to change gears from enemy to friend, but it's not impossible.

4. In your opinion, what's the next move for Australia regarding Chile and CoT and what would America endorse?
I would like to see Australia and Chile continue down the path they've been on.The introduction of Indonesia into the discussion is troubling since the ink is barely dry on this agreement. It's going to take a while for Australia to regain all of their regions and unify their nation, but I would like to start seeing them on the battlefield with us in these CoT missions.

5. What's been your favorite thing about being President?
This is really corny, but I enjoy seeing people come together. We came together INFORCE for the last election to battle against PTO and we're coming together now in support of CoT and we will keep coming together in the next elections and in missions. So really, just having the opportunity to be such a big part of that. It's very cool.

Big thanks to President Fingerguns for sitting down with us!

-Article by Irule777

A New Players View on the Australia - Chile Situation

There have been many things that I have come across in my new life as an eAustralian, a great majority of which have been rather enjoyable. People seem to be friendly and will generally do what they can to help you when you have lost your way, but there has also been a darker side as well, where people’s intelligence, has been called into question by others, and people have perhaps gone past passion and into outright anger. Most of these mud throwing competitions seem to have to do with the treaty that was made with the nation of eChile, and the reason for whether it was in the best interest of the eAustralian people or not.

My take on it is rather simple, to be frank. I find it terrible, not the treaty itself, but the fact that it had to be done for the better good. It has been shown that eChile is stronger than us. Now this may be a comment that finds some criticism, but that just happens to be the way things currently stand. We simply don’t have the strength to push them back and they would eventually wipe us out. This is a case where we need to swallow our pride and bite our tongues until we are able to once again become whole. I can’t tell you when that will be, but I am sure we will find ourselves relatively content with our situation soon enough and we will find that we are a stronger nation because of it.

-Article by Anonymous Writer

German and Australian Community; A citizen's view!
Having spent time in eGermany I noticed a few different things about how their community ran in comparison to eAustralia. One of the things that immediately stuck out is the fact that they didn't spend all their time playing partisan politics. Their interest was getting things done rather than attacking each other which was quite frankly a breath of fresh air.

It’s an interesting thing because of the nature of their politics. Germany is divided into only 2 factions. They are divided for the most part into divided policies on how to deal with Poland. The majority do not want to seek aggression with Poland and the smaller faction wish to push a more aggressive policy.

How does this compare to eAustralia? Well for one their parties are based on policy differences rather than cliques and personal dislike for one another. This is something that should be considered by eAustralians. Having parties take different sides on issues rather than personal issues could be a lifter for eAustralian politics. Having political differences rather than personal ones could help alleviate the tension we often have.

-Article by Tim Holtz

eUnited States; An update from our Foreign Correspondent
Hello Austrailia:

My name is Jefferson Locke. Most of you will probably not know me, but I’m the Chief of Staff of the United States of America, and was asked to write a little bit about my country, and what is going on over here. First and foremost, most people know that we are under a constant PTO threat from a party led by Ajay Bruno, known as the American Freedom Alliance (AFA). This organization and those running it will lie to people around the world in order to advance their cause, so if you are ever contacted by anyone in that party, please understand that they are liars….or as it is said “there is no honor among thieves.” We have made great gains against them in the past few months, and make no mistake that we will completely destroy them. There has been a lot of help that we have received from the international community, and we are very thankful for all of them.

Speaking of the International community, we are very pleased and honored to be trial members in the CoT alliance! We are looking forward to working with our new friends, not just from a military standpoint, but in all other aspects of the game as well. This is an alliance built on equality and respect, which represents what the United States of America has stood for forever. We hope to work with our allies all over the world to help meet their needs in times of trouble. If any of you ever have any questions at all about our country, please feel free to contact me.

That is all for now, as I don’t want to take up too much of your paper, however next time I write for you, I’ll have a lot more to report 😃.

-Article by our Foreign Correspondent from the eUS, Jefferson Locke

Australian Gazette Staff
Chief Editor/Minister of Information: Irule777
Deputy Chief Editor/Writer: Tim Holtz
Writer: Reximus
Writer: Anonymous
Writer: Callumh123

American Foreign Correspondent: Jefferson Locke
United Kingdom Foreign Correspondent: Lancer450
Candian Foreign Correspondent: Shoi12
South African Foreign Correspondent: Claudio

We're always looking for more writers so message Irule777 for a position!