Day 2,277, 02:16 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Force

Since it seems there was someone who wasn't too happy with me giving out supplies at my own discretion yesterday, I've come up with a nifty solution.

Oh, and for those of you who don't know, ADF has gained a regiment and a half in the last two days.
Oh yeah.

So, whilst I would hate for anybody in the ADF to not receive supplies when they do deserve them, I had to take precaution yesterday. Having sat and thunk about it, I've come up with a solution.

From now on, all ADF members will need to pop their name and profile in a quick survey for me. That's all. It'll take about 20 seconds to do. Once you've done that, you'll get supplies every day as usual. See, not too bad, hardly any work on your part.

I'll be putting this up in the shoutbox and sending out messages to everyone too, so everyone will see the link and have the opportunity to click it and leave the details asked for. If you don't complete this 20 second survey? I can't supply you, it's a simple as that, so please don't moan. You will be given ample opportunity to participate, and if you don't, it's on your own head. The survey asks for two things; your eRepublik name, and your profile link. That's it. The link to the survey is here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HYVQHY2

Can everybody in ADF who wishes to receive supplies please fill this in. As I said, it'll be shouted in the ADF shoutbox and I will send out messages during the course of the day.

Seriously, it'll take you 20 seconds. DO IT.

Take it easy guys o7