[ADF] Lottery - Gold Giveaway!

Day 2,251, 12:21 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Force

Ahreet Aussies 😉

I'm in the mood to give stuff away, so I bring you the return of


So, all you guys have to do is;
Be a member of the ADF. Division doesn't matter.
Comment below with a number between 1 and 50. Only one number though, and no repeats!

This time around, I'm going to be drawing one random number and giving out three prizes, 'cos lets face it, we could all do with a little extra cash right now. The person who is closest to the number will win 10 gold, the 2nd closest will win 5 gold, and the third closest will win 3 gold. A total of 18 gold up for grabs!

It'll be drawn in two days time, after this article has expired. So get your numbers in!

I am very pleased to announce that activity is up compared to last week, with many more DO's being completed. Definitely put a smile on my face there guys! And so far, we already have three definite members up for Member of the Week this week, with another 6 looking like they're gonna hit it too. More smiles!

I still don't have a budget just yet, which is why anyone who is purely strength training hasn't received any gold, but hopefully I can secure some pennies in the next few days. I want to say another massive thankyou to Cyber.Casper for donating 500 Q7's tanks to the ADF. Without his donation, I would be struggling to supply anyone, so again, thankyou very much mate!

Also, to any new players (and I do mean any, even if you're in a different military unit), I highly suggest you take a look at the JDS tasks which can be found HEEEEEEEERE. It's a pretty easy way to earn yourself some extra gold and to help you get involved. Who doesn't want more gold?! P.S - the JDS are running a gold competition too. We're so good to you guys!

^How f*cking awesome is that btw? Kudos to Dr Hugh for that very sexy image

Ok, that's all from me. Take it easy, folks o7

Claire Louise

ADF Marshal ♔

*All prizes for the ADF Lottery come out of my own pocket, and aren't a part of any budget.