[AC] Reward Program, A New Sponsor, News and Notes

Day 1,299, 17:09 Published in Canada Canada by Christian Russo

I would like to start off this article by saying that since my last article promoting the Ambassador Corps, we have gained quite a few new Ambassadors, and they will be very welcome additions to the team. I would also like to thank Rolo Tahmasee for supporting the Corps by linking my previous article in an update. In addition, I would like to thank CFovetS for the shiny new banner you see above. It is much appreciated!

-- Due to the surge in new Ambassadors, we have launched a new reward program, and it works as follows. S.DaN will be monitoring your activity, both on the forums and on IRC closely. The winner this week was Sperry who was rewarded for his activity on IRC, and he was rewarded with five q5 tanks. The next rewards will be announced tommorow. Congratulations to Sperry! I don't doubt that they will be put to good use in the current war. 😉

-- As I mentioned in the opening paragraph, we have seen a spike in membership over the last few days, however there are still quite a few open spots. As I said in my last article, we are looking for dedicated individuals who have an interest in the Foreign Affairs of eCanada while making friends at the same time. You will get the opportunity to communicate with people from countries all over the world. Sign up today at the following link! Link

-- We have recieved quite a few applications over the last few days, and I would like to welcome a few of the newest members of the team. Amongst them are chewytaz, the new Ambassador to ePoland, Yuri Kaczynski who will be the Ambassador to eJapan, and Armour144, who will be the Ambassador to eBrazil and eNorway. Welcome to the Ambassador Corps guys!

-- Before I sign off, I would like to say a special word of thanks to Ralph Kline who has kindly, and very generously agreed to sponsor the Ambassador Corps. They will go towards ensuring that the Corps are run as efficiently as possible, and will go towards activity bonuses and rewards, amongst other things. Thank you Ralph!

That's all for now, and I will sign off by providing a link to the Ambassador Corps signup sheet. 🙂 I can't wait to see you in the 'Corps! Just fill out the sheet below, and before you know it you'll be a Corp.



Christian Russo

~ Ambassador to eSweden
~ Vice-Chairman of the Ambassador Corps