[4] Danyr Slavic Press - Slavic Union, Slavic vision and Slavic MM project

Day 1,377, 03:43 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Leinades

Danyr Slavic Press #4

Slavic Union

Slavic Union? What's thet?

Slavic Union is an organization which is connecting slavic countries. We cnow that we've got small chance to succeed, but we want to have good time, fun and we are meeteng interesting people.

How to join this organization?

To join to us you have to register on our forum: http://slavic-union.forumotion.net/ and write few words about yourself in topic "Members Presentations". You can do it in your native language. Later you just have to wait for account activation.

We've got something more!

Especially for you, we've got one more proposition - Mlilitary Unit SUAF! Wearing great avatar of our battle group, fighting at the slavic countries side and dofs for important battles. Yeeaaah! To join SUAF contact Hochelus.

Slavic vision

Croatia and Serbia - friends? yes! Montenegro baby boom? yes! Serbia leave from BiH? yes! Slavic Union Alliance? YES!


Slavic MM project

More info...

New article from Slavic Union MM project - Vote, sub and shout!

"Neperiodicke Noviny" - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/european-wars-1851580/1/20
"Insider Magazine" - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-tools-influence-calculator-en-pl-kalkulator-wp-ywu-na-bitw-1-1851360/1/20
"The eEconomy News" - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/zakladate-sk-aacute-zmluva-1851433/1/20 and http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/limitovan-aacute-ponuka-limited-offer-1851395/1/20

Add your newspaper to Slavic Union MM project #2 !

Danyr Slavic Press and others article from "Danyr" newspaper (c) by Leinades