#35 The Fall of ONE?

Day 1,258, 16:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!

Today could well be the beginning of the fall of ONE. EDEN seem to be organised and equipped with visa, just in case.

Everything is going off in Europe at the moment, almost all the wars are happening in just Europe/Eurasia.

First off, lets talk about ABC as they've got a few battles open and we don't want to get into the tense stuff just yet 😉

As you all know, ABC got pretty much owned yesterday as all three countries lost their battles and had to retreat ground to Russia or Ukraine. Although I did say in my last article that once EDEN reach the ABC homelands it won't be so much of a walk in the park. And I was right, EDEN have reached the homelands of all three ABC countries and all three are winning their wars quite easily.

Sweden have proposed an MPP with Estonia because Sweden are also attacking Russia so four countries are involved in the Baltic War.
Sweden have one every single mini-battle against Russia in both Southern Finland and Northern Russia.

ABC will be disrupting EDEN's plans greatly as they'll be likely to distract people from the war in Serbia.

Romania, Croatia and Bulgaria have all made their natural enemy as Serbia and about an hour ago they all started their war at exactly the same time. Serbia seem like they'd be completely doomed since they're now fighting on four fronts (Remember Bosnia) but that is not the case, Serbia are showing how mighty they can be, and although they are losing they are doing a hell of a job and are still putting in an amazing amount of damage into each of their battles, and not only this, they are beating Romania!

Even if Serbia do get wiped (Which I don't think they will) then they'll easily be able to regain their regions back within hours. But once Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria and Bosnia get Serbia down to one region they'll have to queue up and that is when Serbia will just knock them back one by one and will be on the offensive once again, choosing when to fight and regaining regions one by one. Serbia have 10 million more experience than Poland, and Poland are also ONE, I just can't see a country like Serbia falling, although it is possible.

We could well be seeing Czech Republic return to the map after a 3 month departure. They are beating Slovenia in their resistance war but Slovenia look as if they may bring it back yet.
But Czech Republic will have another life as they are also trying to liberate a region owned by Slovakia which is pretty even at the moment.

Cyprus have proposed a peace treaty with Turkey to put an end to their accidental war. USA have also proposed an alliance with Cyprus which if it is accepted it will be their first alliance 😃

Germany have started a resistance war in Saarland, and it seems like history repeating itself as Poland are sure to attack France, again while Germany gain regions. France will then lose, then liberate regions while Poland re-wipe Germany. It just goes in a circle like that 😛

Apart from the oh so boring Greece - Turkey war nothing is going on in Europe. 😛

USA IS BACK IN SPAIN! It's what we want, well, what I want. I don't like Terra/EDEN but I dislike ONE more so I want them to lose aside from Serbia and Turkey.
USA are on a roll and if they can continue this winning streak then they could surround the capital within then next few days although whenever USA have reached Spain the whole of Terra/EDEN momentum disappears and could happen again.
What we need to happen now is Brazil to attack the Canary Islands and get back in there. Two countries on form will easily take down Spain.

USA will probably get the rest of their regions back in resistance wars, there is no need to waste time especially while ONE are very distracted with Serbia at the moment.

Argentina - Venezuela land-swap war continues and it's like watching Canada - USA damage waste to the max. I feel sick watching such damage go to waste like that.

On another note Brazil are attacking the South African capital, Free State. I'm not sure they are all to bothered about surrounding the capital as they are going to get destroyed either way.

Indonesia have began war with Australia once again, taking the capital of Tasmania and will move straight in for the kill on New South Wales and will once again, wipe the Australians.

Israel and Iran are at a stalemate over the region of Northern Borders and Al Jawf and unless Iran use their confidence after their victory then I think this could go on for a while.

Although we hate the Irish A LOT, I think we could make pretty good allies. I would like to invade them, but that is not because I hate the Irish, it's mainly because they have a sexy fruit region that we do not have and Irish aggression but to be fair, if we have a look over to ABC, they've made a strong force, a winning force, but if you look at them a few months ago, all you'd see is them squabbling all the time taking every opportunity to sabotage everything the other Baltic country does.

Quick Fact: Even after the forced collapse of the British Empire, today, we still have over fourteen oversea territories .

Thanks for reading, leave feedback and any additional info that you may have is appreciated in the comments section below.
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