#3 eJapan, A Joke To The World Community

Day 2,832, 19:36 Published in Japan Japan by Takeshi Yukimura

The Event Horizon

eJapan, a beautiful nation with unlimited potential, was once the envy of the world with it's dominance over the east with the the great alliance with the Republic of South Korea. The ecitiezens of our esteemed state were loyal, devout, and united in their desire for a greater eJapan.

However, these old truths no longer hold value in the current day and age. The southern regions of Japan are under brutal occupation by the Republic of China, a nation of which steals our resources and oppresses us behind the backs of many of our eCitizens. The biggest reason for this can be the noted in the complacency of our leaders who fail to serve as they should with the will for a greater eJapan. As this occurs our war effort in the Arabian Peninsula is failing, the Emirate seizing lands from us day by day and we not being able to reclaim it quick enough or even put down these uprisings.

In essence we are a failure. We should hang our heads in shame of the lower state we have become. Our ideals are in the mud, our power nonexistent, and our people hopeless. A vibe of despair filled eJapan.

Answer My Call To Arms

It is up to the people of eJapan, who truly have the intent to restore the glory of our nation, to unite, to transcend the pity boundaries that have divided us for so long. We must put aside the petty grudges which impede us from working together and force us into on of the two political circles that dominate eJapan. It is now time to begin a new political movement. One of which will role over eJapan like a storm cloud, unstoppable and mighty.

The goals of us eCitizens of eJapan should be primarily to reclaim our homeland. Whether with a democracy of imperial system, the unification of eJapan tramples the petty arguments of that. We must strike down the enemies of the state such as the Republic of China and rejoin our ally of South Korea in ensuring stability in the East. If the South Koreans can win against the Republic of China, then so can the mighty eCitizens of eJapan.

Please send the following letter to JetiShumadinac, our Dictator, to express your displeasure with the path this country is on and request that action be taken immediately:

Dear Most Gracious Supreme Leader,

The state of eJapan today, without taking into account our current political crisis is, to be frank, terrifying. We are losing our wars and being pushed back while we can’t even reclaim our own homeland in southern eJapan. How is it that the Republic of Korea can win a fight against the Republiuc of China, and yet our superior forces cannot? I do not wish to say that I doubt the almighty leadership of you and your appointed governors, but it is near close to that. With this letter I, [PUT USERNAME HERE], petition you, our Grand Leader, to begin implementing new policies that firstly work to unite the lands of eJapan under our banner once again, secondly to once again resume the alliance with the eRepublic of Korea, and thirdly to begin taking measures to restore unity in eJapan.

Please, it is up to you to fix our great nation, and we humbly request that you take action.



This video will help to renew unity in our Great state. I agree with most of this video, except the destruction of national borders. Irl I believe the only way to create true lasting peace is to unite the world and of course this can only be done by force.
Do It For eJapan, NOT Your Party!