#15: Damage Calculator V1.2 [GB]

Day 784, 05:54 Published in United Kingdom Russia by Adalon

ENGLISH VERSION (sorry for mistakes)

I have long delayed the creation of the new version. Was no free time.
With the introduction of Lana I can't delay no more, because without speed-up training option the value of calculation was dropped down and made the program not so useful.
At last, the New Year holidays came and I set to work. Then the week of the open beta. Finally, the release version.

So, welcome Damage Calculator V1.2

What's new in V1.2?

+ added the strength training with Lana buttons;
It's simple. The buttons replicates the icons and actions in-game.

+ added the option to save and repeat 5 often used actions;
I think it's a useful option. All the more I was asked about it last time.
Save the sequences of your actions per day and repeat 6 times to get the damage per week. Or for the tanks to not push 80 buttons (40 hits and 40 WP) simply create the chain of 10 tank's hits and you don't need to push the buttons so much.

+ added the option to change the weapon type on-the-fly;
Simple – choose the current in the list, select new one and press just one button to replace all the weapons for the new type. Handy, if you want to compare the assault damage with the different weapons.

+ added the cost calculation of the damage in gold;
By entering the price of the needed items in gold, you can calculate how much you will spend on the sequence of hits and actions. WP, Lana are constants and included in the calculation. The gold on the food consumes when “New day” button is pushed.

+ some cosmetic changes in the interface;
Reduced the size of the icons on the buttons (I hope not for the price of attractiveness). The notebook users complained about the size of the program window. Hope this time it fit.
Added the output of the number of the days, used WP, current rank.
Oh, something else to say. Not many guessed to double-click on the element in the list to delete it. It's my fault – got not enough time to write the manual. Now I also made the context menu on the right mouse button.

Enjoy using it!
I hope this calculator will be useful for you in the list of utilities for this game.


Enter the in-game number in ID field. It looks like this
The bold numbers is ID.
Clicking on “Reload” button you download from the game your current strength, rank and wellness.

I think it is clear with the buttons on the left – represents game actions. Explanation only for “New day” - clicking on it you imitate the beginning of the day (the food is consumed with the addition of wellness from the house, resets all the flags of using the hospital, gifts and WP).

The top panel is “Replace Weapon”, as I said, is for changing the weapon type on-the-fly. Choose WHAT you want to change in the left list, select FOR WHAT in the right list. Clicking on “Replace” button make the replacement.

The central panel – the sequence of your actions.
You can do with it the following:
- delete the entry (by double-click or the context menu)
- move the entry with the mouse.
- add the entry in the needed place. Select the entry and press the action button. This action will be added before chosen entry.
- delete the last entry - “Undo” button
- clear the list - “Clear” button.

To the right is Profile panel.
Choose the desired profile and press “--->” button to save the sequence.
All actions in the main list will be added to the profile (the previous actions will be lost in the profile)
Choose the desired profile and press “<---” button to repeat the sequence. The actions from the profile will be added to the main list.

On the right side is Information panel.

Press “Set prices” button to determine the price of the items that you need for the charge calculation and enter the price per item in gold.