
Day 2,273, 16:24 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Watermill



[2😇9:43] <@karaj22> FlorenciaC: are you here? /FlorenciaC: 你在嗎?
[2😇9:56] <@Manu_Cab> I think no 我覺得不
[20:40:05] <@karaj22> who can give access to our MoD 誰可以給我們的MoD權限
[20:40:12] <@karaj22> i would like to invite him to the meeting 我想邀請他來會議
[20:40:52] <@Manu_Cab> btw, I want to inform you 順帶一提,我想要告知你
[20:41:00] <@Manu_Cab> tonight we're going to start attacking Brazil 今晚我們要攻擊巴西
[20:41:03] <@Manu_Cab> to get our regions back 把我們的領地拿回來
[20:41:03] <@Manu_Cab> 🙂
[20:41:43] <@Manu_Cab> at 23 eR aprox 大約在歐洲時間23點
[20:42:41] cso
[20:43:21] <@karaj22> hi
[20:43:30] <@Istencsaszar> hi
[21:02:23] <@karaj22> it is time 時間到了
[21:02:34] <@karaj22> which countries are represented here? 這裡的有哪幾個國家的代表?
[21:02:55] <@nikol000> Serbia 塞爾維亞
[21:03:01] <@nikol000> CP
[21:03:43] <@SaleKutuzov> Thailand - CP 泰國 -CP
[21:04:08] <@nikol000> Hail Thailand 😃 向泰國致敬
[21:04:19] KarloV_afk slaps SaleKutuzov
[21:04:22] <@SaleKutuzov> Of course. 😃 當然
[21:04:23] <@KarloV_afk> 😃
[21:04:32] <@SaleKutuzov> Oh, no, not he again. 😃 喔,不,不要又是他
[21:04:47] <@KarloV_afk> 😃
[21:04:51] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> Hey nikol000
[21:05:03] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> why donțt you reply to Rhual? 🙂 為什麼你不回應Rhual?
[21:05:12] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> *don't
[21:05:15] <@nikol000> Rhual ?
[21:05:38] <@hari`TT> .access list
[21:05:47] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> Rydle, srry 😁 Rydle,抱歉
[21:05:51] <@hari`TT> .access add Ernst 5
[21:05:57] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> old habbits 怪習慣
[21:06:04] <@hari`TT> :/
[21:06:08] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> .sync
[21:06:14] <@nikol000> dsturzoiu[RO]: We spok few huors ago 我們在幾個小時前談過了
[21:06:15] <@SaleKutuzov> Rhula is in Malaysia nowdays. 😃 Rhula 現在在馬來西亞
[21:06:20] <@SaleKutuzov> * Rhual
[21:13:36] <@ekto> hello
[21:13:46] <@SaleKutuzov> Hello, ekto 🙂
[21:13:53] <@karaj22> ekto: can you lead? 你可以領導嗎?
[21:14:01] <@karaj22> the meeting i suppose 我假定的那個會議
[21:14:29] <@hari`TT> hi
[21:15:48] <@ekto> i can try 我可以試試看
[21:16:10] <@ekto> ok we need to start 好,我們要開始了
[21:16:19] <@ekto> we need to form 我們必須組成
[21:16:23] <@ekto> the main alliance 主要的聯盟
[21:16:29] <@ekto> greece will form it 希臘會去組成那聯盟
[21:16:37] <@ekto> and sent ticket to the admins 然後發送信函給管理者
[21:16:48] <@ekto> and so ALL the other initiating countries 然後所有其他創始國
[21:16:56] <@ekto> cp needs to write ticket 總統必須寫信
[21:17:00] <@ekto> that is going 已經要開始
[21:17:06] <@ekto> in the forming allince 組成聯盟
[21:17:12] <@ekto> so we need no vote 我們不需要投票
[21:17:15] <@ekto> for 66% 為了66%
[21:17:20] <@ekto> 6 countries 6個國家
[21:17:22] <@ekto> romania 羅馬尼亞
[21:17:26] <@ekto> argentina 阿根廷
[21:17:29] <@ekto> hungary 匈牙利
[21:17:32] <@ekto> slovenia 斯洛維尼亞
[21:17:33] <@ekto> serbia 塞爾維亞
[21:17:35] <@ekto> greeced 希臘
[21:17:48] <@ekto> and after we make first meeting 在我們第一次議員投票會議之後
[21:17:57] <@ekto> to vote for councill -----------↑
[21:18:02] <@SaleKutuzov> And Thailand. 🙂 還有泰國
[21:18:07] <@ekto> i will have charter ready tomorow night 明晚我會把憲章準備好
[21:18:18] <@ekto> need to get gr cp to prepare ticket 需要希臘CP把信函準備好
[21:18:48] <@ekto> tailand will join in the secondary alliance 泰國會加入第二聯盟
[21:18:56] <@ekto> formed a couple of days after 在聯盟組成了幾天之後
[21:19:00] <@ekto> portugall too 葡萄牙也會加入
[21:19:01] <@hari`TT> seems we didnt quite agreed about all issues 看起來我們不是非常同意所有議題
[21:19:07] <@ekto> and a few other countries 還有少數一些其他國家
[21:19:20] <@hari`TT> and im not talking about Thai... 我不是在說泰國
[21:19:30] <@ekto> what issue/ 什麼議題?
[21:19:32] <@ekto> ?
[21:19:46] <@karaj22> HU has a condition 匈牙利有個條件
[21:19:47] <@hari`TT> i want this to work out very bad, thats why it need to be everything set up clearly 我想要讓這好好地進行,所以每件事需要清楚被設立
[21:2😇6] <@ekto> ok 好
[21:20:43] <@ekto> what is hun condition? 匈牙利的條件是什麼?
[21:20:47] <@hari`TT> it needs to be bulit up on strong foundation 🙂 它需要被建立在強力基礎上
[21:20:54] <@karaj22> HU wont want MPP with RO in this month and we ask for 2 days in order to let congress for vote 匈牙利這個月不想要和羅馬尼亞MPP,以及我們要求了兩天,為了議員的投票
[21:21:19] <@ekto> vote for mpp or alliance? MPP還是聯盟的投票
[21:21:28] <@karaj22> vote for alliance 聯盟的
[21:21:30] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> sorry to interrupt, I'd like to see tags from countries. Mea culpa for that 抱歉打斷,我比較想看每個國家的標記。再次抱歉
[21:21:30] <@hari`TT> to vote on forum or ingame? 在論壇還是遊戲內投票
[21:21:31] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> 😃
[21:22:05] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> vote in congress forum (we have dedicated forum for our congress) 在議員論壇(我們議員專用的論壇)
[21:22:25] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> is this acceptable for RO? 這個已經被羅馬尼亞接受了嗎?
[21:24:04] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> As far as we speak we have answers from most of the MUs. And the general idea is that we can make that alliance with Hu too but not MPP for this moment 據我們所說,以及大部分軍團的答案,以及大眾想法是我們可以和匈牙利簽訂MPP,但不是現在
[21:24:17] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> Personally I have no problem with MPP 我個人對MPP沒有問題
[21:24:34] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> But there are still many users sceptics 但這裡還是有很多陰謀論者
[21:24:50] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> ok than the mpp will wait for 1 month max 好,那這個MPP最多能等一個月
[21:24:53] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> is that ok?? 這OK嗎?
[21:25:00] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> This future war with Pol I hope that this issue to be solved 我希望這個議題能盡快解決,未來有和波蘭的戰爭。
[21:25:14] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> I think yes. Maybe soon 我想是,可能很快。
[21:25:15] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> if we form the allince fast 如果我們能盡快組成聯盟
[21:25:20] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> we can organize fast 我們能快速集結。
[21:25:24] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> need to move it 需要移動它
[21:25:30] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> if the MPP exception suits both sides i dont see a big problem there for now 如果MPP兩邊都不適用,現在我不覺得有什麼大問題
[21:25:35] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> say monday is ok for deadline? 期限說在星期一可以嗎?
[21:25:40] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> I want the alliance created now 🙂 我想要現在就創建聯盟
[21:25:48] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> karaj22[HU][MoFa]: do you agree? 你同意嗎?
[21:25:55] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> i was hopping tomorow latest monday 我本來希望明天,最晚星期一
[21:26:11] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> ekto[GR][Mofa] I have a question for you 我有個問題想問你
[21:26:12] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> i agree 我同意
[21:26:12] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> dsturzoiu[RO] we want the same mate trust me on that 🙂 我們想要的同伴是在這件事上一樣相信我的
[21:26:22] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> tell me about Turkey 和我說說土耳其
[21:26:23] <@Manu_Cab> 😮
[21:26:28] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> turkey 土耳其
[21:26:30] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> thank you karaj22[HU][MoFa] 謝謝你
[21:26:34] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> said they will think about it 說了他們會考慮
[21:26:37] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> however 然而
[21:26:37] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> we will came with congress answer by monday's evening 星期一晚上,我們會帶著議會的答案一起來
[21:26:38] <@Manu_Cab> ekto[GR][Mofa]: o/
[21:26:45] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> i do not think they will come 我不覺得他們會來
[21:26:47] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> tr has decide already 土耳其已經決定了
[21:26:53] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> we will issue invitation to them 我們會向他們發出邀請
[21:26:56] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> mates come on plz 朋友們來吧拜託
[21:26:56] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> after we form 我們成立後
[21:27:01] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> dont make use logs 不要用對話記錄
[21:27:03] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> and when they reject 當他們否決後
[21:27:04] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> turkey is pro-Spoland 🙁 土耳其是親西班牙波蘭派
[21:27:04] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> but don't you want to insist on that? 但你不想否定那個嗎?
[21:27:06] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> dont make me use logs 不要讓我用對話紀錄
[21:27:13] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> i will negotiate nap in the balkans 我會在巴爾幹半島區域斡旋
[21:27:18] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> to avoid NE 避免NE
[21:27:27] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> we don't want ne fast 我們不想要那麼快NE
[21:27:35] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> we want to organize first 我們想要先組織
[21:27:39] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> mates yesterday tahaua ask from poland the mpp 朋友們,昨天tahaua 要求從波蘭的MPP(這句不確定)
[21:27:42] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> and get max support 以及獲得最大的支援
[21:27:43] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress] 🙂
[21:27:53] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> law 法律
[21:27:56] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> 🙂
[21:28:04] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> it is over with TR 和土耳其的關係結束了
[21:28:11] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> guys 哥們
[21:28:12] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress] 🙂
[21:28:14] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> first of all we have to make a list of prieorities, daily 首先,我們每天必須做一個重點清單
[21:28:15] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> we should speak in turns 我們應該經過幾輪的討論
[21:28:24] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> like, first one country 比如,第一個國家
[21:28:27] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> then other 和其他的
[21:28:27] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> good idea FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress] 🙂
[21:28:28] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> and so on 等等
[21:28:31] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> otherwise it's a mess 不然,這會亂成一團
[21:28:38] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> alphabetically? 🙂 按字母順序排列?
[21:28:41] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> may I o/ 我可以o/嗎
[21:28:47] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> well gr is dealing with tr issue 很好,希臘正在處理土耳其的議題
[21:28:53] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> but yes 但是,是的
[21:29:02] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> they will propably not join 他們可能不會加入
[21:29:03] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> just who wants to start 只是看誰想開始
[21:29:10] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> yes hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]
[21:29:11] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> Arg 阿根廷
[21:29:12] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> go ahead 去吧
[21:29:12] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> 🙂
[21:29:13] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> but they will stay nuturall 但他們還是會保持中立
[21:29:15] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> everyone else silent 其他人安靜
[21:29:15] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> 😃
[21:29:18] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> and fight through mpp 以及透過MPP打架
[21:29:26] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> first of all 首先
[21:29:45] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> when i mentioned a strong foundation i was talking about fixing issues 當我提到強力的基礎,我是指固定議題
[21:29:49] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> between countries 在國家之間的
[21:30:19] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> but as both Hun and Rom are ok with a delay of that question i fully support them 但匈牙利和羅馬尼亞都在對我完全支援他們這個問題表示同意時有所遲疑。
[21:30:25] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> i have one question 我有個問題
[21:3😇1] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> the second one, about founding countries 第二個,有關聯盟創始國
[21:30:51] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> karaj22[HU][MoFa]: it's by turns, unless it's a direct question to serbia please wait to your turn 🙂 輪到我了,除非這是個針對塞爾維亞的問題,不然請等你發言。
[21:30:57] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> i dont know if you are aware that China and RoC are willing to join our side 我不知道你有沒有注意到,中國和台灣有意願加入我們這邊
[21:31:00] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> wait for* 更正 等到
[21:31:22] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> we are hari`TT[SRB][MoFA] 我們是hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]
[21:31:23] karaj22[HU][MoFa] waits 等等
[21:31:30] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> ok
[21:31:39] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> that says we have a dilema 我們現在有個進退兩難的困境
[21:31:46] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> harri
[21:31:51] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> may i answer/ 我可以回答嗎
[21:31:53] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> ?
[21:32:19] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> china roc 中國 台灣
[21:32:24] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> all other countries 還有其他的國家
[21:32:26] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> come 來
[21:32:30] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> at later stage 到之後的階段
[21:32:33] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> on one side we should treat all countries equally, on the other we have a lot of friendly nations which are influenced more by one country then by others 一方面,我們應該平等對待所有國家。在另一方面,我們有很多友邦,這些友邦被特定一個國家影響,勝過其他國家的影響力。
[21:32:37] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> first form the allince 先組成聯盟
[21:32:39] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> fast 快點
[21:32:48] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> so it may cause trooubles in future voting proccesses 所以它可能會在未來的投票程序上出現問題
[21:32:52] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> if we try to have them in with first group we delay 如果我們試著讓他們在第一團體,會有所延遲。
[21:32:56] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> ekto[GR][Mofa]: i didnt finish 我還沒完成
[21:32:56] <@[SRB][CP]Nikol000> And leave door open 讓門開著
[21:33:08] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> as far as i know china is willing to join us but they haven't taken a formal decision yet 據我所知,中國有意願加入我們,但還沒有正式的決定。
[21:33:09] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> please, just one person talking at the moment 請,現在只有一個人講話。
[21:33:13] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> 🙂
[21:33:15] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> so i support ekto[GR][Mofa] in this one 所以在這方面支持ekto[GR][Mofa]
[21:33:18] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> ...
[21:33:20] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> at the same time* 更正,同一時間
[21:33:30] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> ok karaj22[HU][MoFa] ask
[21:33:34] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> We have an ingame alliance, called TWO. Can we use it instead of creating a new one? 我們在遊戲裡有個聯盟,叫做TWO。我們可以繼續用它,而非創建另一個嗎?
[21:33:42] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> nope 🙂 不行
[21:33:51] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> not posible to have 66% in gr 不可能在希臘有66%
[21:33:54] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> ok, then hari`TT[SRB][MoFA] we shoudl jump out 好,hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]我們不該跳出
[21:33:57] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> if we start new one 如果我們創建了新的
[21:33:59] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> we shouldn't by tied in any way to former alliances 😛 在任何方面,我們不該被前聯盟束縛。
[21:34:02] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> we are ok 我們OK
[21:34:07] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> if we want 66% 如果我們想要66%
[21:34:24] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> we have problems 我們有問題
[21:34:34] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> that was all, you can continue 我說完了,你可以繼續
[21:34:34] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> ok karaj22[HU][MoFa]
[21:34:56] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> HeartlessPirate: [SRB][CP]Nikol000 that means you guys should start the law now 🙂 這意味著你們現在應該創立新的法律
[21:35:16] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> lets do it now 讓我們現在來做吧
[21:35:32] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> guys 哥們
[21:35:34] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> can i talk? 我可以說話嗎
[21:35:34] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> 🙂
[21:36:30] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> go on florencia 請
[21:36:39] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> first of all 首先
[21:36:51] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> i think we have to sort many important things before thinking of the alliance ingame 我想我們應該整理一些重要的事,在我們思考遊戲裡的聯盟之前
[21:36:59] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> which is the less important thing when it comes to an alliance 當成為聯盟的時候,這將成為不重要的事
[21:37:15] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> we have to solve some stuff like which countries are going to be the founder 我們必須解決一些事,像是哪個國家會成為創始者
[21:37:24] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> 6 countries 6個國家
[21:37:26] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> whcihs tand we'll take towards other possible future members, such as bulgaria/chile 在這立場,我們會提出一些可能的未來成員,像是保加利亞/智利
[21:37:28] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> as we said 就像我們說的
[21:37:31] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> *which stand 更正 在這立場
[21:37:34] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> wait ekto[GR][Mofa]
[21:37:37] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> let me finish 讓我總結
[21:37:40] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> ok 好
[21:38:08] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> and we also have to confirm that every one of the founder members are willing to join, it's a formality but it's needed 以及我們也必須去確認,每個創始成員國都想要加入,這是古板但必須的。
[21:38:19] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> and it has to be voted in the congress (outgame) 以及這需要在遊戲外議會投票
[21:38:30] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> for such we have to write the basis of the alliance charter 為此我們必須寫聯盟基本憲章
[21:38:37] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> and many other stuff 還有其他的東東
[21:38:55] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> we also have to sort out what we'll do with smaller countries that won't be founders 我們也必須整理出一些不會成為創始國的小國家
[21:38:57] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> btw at the moment I don't see any Slovenia's representative here 順帶一提,在這時候,我沒有看見斯洛維尼亞的代表在這
[21:39:02] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> and make everyone in here aware of that 請每個人注意到這點
[21:39:30] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> so now 所以現在
[21:39:35] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> let's go step by step 讓我們一步一步走來
[21:39:57] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> founder members will be hungary, romania, greece, slovenia, argentina and serbia 創始成員國有匈牙利,羅馬尼亞,希臘,斯洛維尼亞,阿根廷和塞爾維亞
[21:40:03] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> do we all agree on that? 🙂 大家都同意嗎?
[21:40:05] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> yes 是
[21:40:12] <@hari`TT[SRB][MoFA]> fully agreed, lets calm down and do it in right way 完全同意,讓我們冷靜,接著用對的方法去做。
[21:40:26] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> agree 同意
[21:4😇3] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> dsturzoiu[RO]: ?
[21:4😇4] Ernst [cgiirc@B9847C21.5AFF61E1.D3E415A7.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[21:40:42] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> and we'll ask slovenia by PM ingame since they are not here 😛 我們會在遊戲裡PM斯洛維尼亞,因為他們不在這
[21:40:58] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> It's ok for Romania 羅馬尼亞表示OK
[21:41:17] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> alrite, wonderful 非常好,棒極了
[21:41:27] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> now regarding bulgaria/chile thing 現在關於保加利亞/智利的事
[21:41:36] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> what's the stand of each one of you? 你們的看法怎麼樣?
[21:41:50] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> bulgaria chile will be next step 保加利亞智利會在下一階段
[21:41:53] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> with china 和中國
[21:41:54] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> i know it'd bring benefits to greece to have a friendly neighbor now that turkey is gone 我知道這給希臘帶來利益,因為有個友善的鄰國,現在土耳其已成為過去式。
[21:41:56] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> and others 和其他的
[21:42:03] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> they can be aproached 他們可以靠近
[21:42:09] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> when we are a group 當我們成為團體
[21:42:21] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> greece 希臘
[21:42:25] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> has no problem 沒有問題
[21:42:29] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> IF 如果
[21:42:32] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> the issue 這個議題
[21:42:34] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> of fyrom 馬其頓共和國的議題
[21:42:37] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> is cleared 解決了
[21:42:44] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> with chile and bulgaria 和智利及保加利亞
[21:42:49] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> like, they getting away from fyrom 像是,他們遠離馬其頓
[21:42:50] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> rite? 是嗎?
[21:42:57] <@hari`TT> mlena: (SLO) is here but seems to be afk 🙂 斯洛維尼亞在這,但是好像不在電腦前
[21:43:08] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Hungary/138893
[21:43:19] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> does anyone know any other slovenian representative online now? 誰知道其他的斯洛維尼亞代表在線上的嗎?
[21:43:33] <@slps[ROC][MoFA]> may I ask some question or I should ask later? 我可以問一個問題嗎?或是晚點問?
[21:43:49] <@hari`TT> do it 問吧
[21:43:52] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> go ahead 問吧
[21:44:38] <@slps[ROC][MoFA]> about ROC we know we're not going to be founder but we present our willing before the alliance officially form 關於台灣,我們知道我們不會作為創始國,但我們表現出我們的意願,在聯盟正式組成之前
[21:45:13] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> roc can be founder in the second alliance 台灣可以在第二聯盟作為創始國
[21:45:15] <@slps[ROC][MoFA]> so we can join the alliance at first hand but use other name such as ACT in TWO? 所以我們可以加入在第一時間加入聯盟,但是用其他的名字像是ACT in TWO
[21:45:24] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> with portugal and tailand 和葡萄牙以及泰國
[21:46:23] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> ok so 所以
[21:46:29] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> we need 2 days 我們需要兩天
[21:46:33] <@mlena> o7
[21:46:38] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> to get this through your congress 從你的議會得知結果
[21:46:42] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> out of game 在遊戲外
[21:46:51] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> is that correct? 這正確嗎?
[21:47:08] <@hari`TT> ekto[GR][Mofa]: you cant force it, pls have patience 這是急不來的,請有耐心點。
[21:47:19] <@hari`TT> i agree about monday deadline 我同意星期一的期限
[21:47:32] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> hey mlena 嘿 mlena
[21:47:34] <@hari`TT> but we need to know how to arrange it with the rest of countries 但我們需要知道如何和其他國家安排這件事
[21:47:39] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> are you ok with everything we have said so far? 你覺得我們到現在說的OK嗎?
[21:47:52] <@slps[ROC][MoFA]> agree 同意
[21:47:55] <@mlena> hello too all 向大家問好
[21:47:58] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> mlena should say she is ok /mlena 應該說它很好
[21:48:01] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> for slovenia 為了斯洛維尼亞
[21:48:04] <@mlena> 🙂
[21:48:07] <@mlena> yes 是的
[21:48:07] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> since she just came in 從他剛來的時候
[21:48:20] <@mlena> I read till now and I am ok with that 我讀到現在,我覺得這OK
[21:48:21] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> monday evening is deadline for everyone 星期一是各位的期限
[21:48:27] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> talking about congress staff 談論議會成員
[21:48:28] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> sorry i got disconnected 抱歉我斷線了
[21:48:33] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> deadline for what? 什麼的期限?
[21:48:43] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> for internall prosidures 每個國家的內部程序
[21:48:47] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> of each country --------↑
[21:48:52] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> alrite 好吧
[21:49:06] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> we should write some nice founding chart 我們應該寫一些很棒的創建圖表
[21:49:10] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> so everyone can post it in their congress 讓每個人可以在他們的議會發表
[21:49:16] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> yep 是
[21:49:26] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> i will sent you the founding chart tomorow 明天我會傳給你創建圖表
[21:49:30] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> we should do it now 我們應該現在就做
[21:49:31] o7
[21:49:33] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> to read 去讀
[21:49:36] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> great 很好
[21:50:04] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> .access add colonelbruce 5
[21:50:04] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> .sync
[21:50:15] hi to all 向大家問好
[21:50:19] what s up? 發生什麼事
[21:50:20] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> colonelbruce: o7
[21:50:25] o7
[21:50:25] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> forming alliance 聯盟構成
[21:50:27] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> nothing more 沒有更多了
[21:50:41] importand enough😉 夠重要了
[21:50:58] i m very interested in forming alliance asap 我對聯盟盡快形成很有興趣
[21:51:08] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> for summary: we have 6 countries as founder - GR RO ARG SER SLO HUN 我們有六個國家作為創始國 希臘 羅馬尼亞 阿根廷 塞爾維亞 斯洛維尼亞 匈牙利
[21:51:14] we must not wait any longer 我們不能再等了
[21:51:16] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> other countries come later 其他國家晚點會加入
[21:51:28] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> HU and RO wont MPP each other for a month 匈牙利和羅馬尼亞一個月內不會互相MPP
[21:51:29] this is great 這很好
[21:51:36] slo is in 100% 斯洛維尼亞100%同意
[21:51:59] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> everyone has deadling for monday evening to handle internal procedures (congress, polls, voting) 每個人的期限是星期一晚上舉行內部程序(議會,民調,投票)
[21:52:02] when will official opening of alliance begin? 什麼時候聯盟會正式公開運作
[21:52:14] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> new alliance will be created on monday evening i guess 我想新聯盟會在星期一晚上創建
[21:52:18] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> monday evening 星期一晚上
[21:52:23] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> by ticketing these 6 countries 以信件通知這六個國家
[21:52:23] ql 很酷
[21:52:38] did you talked about name yet? 你已經談論過名字了沒?
[21:52:55] one question? 有個問題?
[21:53:04] i m not sure about it 我不確定
[21:53:05] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> towards china/bg/chile issue 對於中國/保加利亞/智利的問題
[21:53:05] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> they'll join later 他們會晚點加入
[21:53:05] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> chart is being written now 圖表現在已經在製作
[21:53:07] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> deadline for the 6 countries is due monday 六個國家的期限是星期一
[21:53:15] how can we open alliance? 我們要怎麼開啟新聯盟?
[21:53:16] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> btw 順帶一提
[21:53:25] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> CP sends ticket to admins CP向管理者發送信件
[21:53:25] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> question to ro/hu 關於羅馬尼亞/匈牙利的問題
[21:53:27] do we need to write ticket to admin? 我們需要發信給管理者嗎?
[21:53:30] ok 好
[21:53:31] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> is everything alrite between both of you? 你們所有人之間都OK嗎?
[21:53:34] tnx for info 感謝告知
[21:53:44] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> according to foreign policy: yes 根據外交政策:是的
[21:53:44] i ll inform my CP to do so 我會通知我的CP這樣做
[21:53:53] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> according to internal politics: no (for HU) 根據內部政策:否(為了匈牙利)
[21:54:11] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> colonel i will let you know tomorow exactlly what the ticket should say 上校,明天我會讓你知道信函該怎麼寫
[21:54:19] tnx 謝謝
[21:54:59] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> i propose 14:00 ERT monday as deadline time 我建議歐洲時間星期一14:00作為期限
[21:55:06] i ll talk to my government, i m quit sure they will be very, very happy about it🙂 我會和我的政府說,我非常確認他們對於這點會非常非常高興
[21:55:22] <@hari`TT> FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]: accepted 接受了
[21:55:26] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> ok 14 ert 好的,歐洲時間14點
[21:55:43] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> monday 1400 ERT 星期一1400 歐洲時間
[21:55:48] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> alrite, we'll PM all the CPs later today with the ticket and the founding chart 好,我們晚點會通知所有CP們,有關信函和創建表格
[21:55:50] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> 🙂
[21:56:20] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]
[21:56:40] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> dsturzoiu[RO]:
[21:56:52] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> you spoke about the second wave with china/ bg/ chile 你說了第二梯次的中國/保加利亞/智利
[21:57:02] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> yep 是的
[21:57:03] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> as you know, we occupy BG right now 如你所知,我們現在佔據著保加利亞。
[21:57:13] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> we are at war with htem 🙂 我們現在和他們處於戰爭狀態。
[21:57:16] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> *them 他們
[21:57:18] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> yes, don't worry about that 是的,不用擔心這個
[21:57:23] did you talked about the name of alliance? 你和他們談過聯盟的名字了嗎?
[21:57:25] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> bg/chile is a possibility that was just considered 剛才考慮過保加利亞/智利是可能的
[21:57:37] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> it doesn't mean we'll invite them for sure 這不表示我們一定會邀請他們
[21:57:42] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> plus eveyrone must agree to invite them 加上每個人必須同意邀請他們
[21:57:42] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> ok 好
[21:57:43] <@hari`TT> dsturzoiu[RO]: nothing without your amen 每件事你們都會参與
[21:57:44] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> it's very important to think about them 思考這件事是非常重要的
[21:57:59] <@hari`TT> i hear it for first time now tbh 說真的我第一次聽到
[21:58:05] <@hari`TT> about chile and blg 有關智利和保加利亞
[21:58:21] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> if we talk hypothetically, I'd like to introduce Rep of Moldova too. You know they are Romania's little sister 如果是我,我會邀請摩爾多瓦,你知道他們是羅馬尼亞的姐妹國
[21:58:22] <@Manu_Cab[ARG][CP]> ofc, all those decisions must be agreed by all 當然,這些決定一定要被所有人同意
[21:58:52] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> hari`TT: yes hari, it's just a tempting ally for its damage 是的hari,這是個傷害力誘人的盟友。
[21:58:55] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> nothing more xD 沒有更多了 xD
[21:59:01] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> none of us is ally of them 我們之中沒有一個是他們的盟友
[21:59:02] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> but, as you said, we'll have to form the core of the alliance first 但是,就像你說的,我們先組成聯盟核心
[21:59:08] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> plus they have to make up their mind first 加上他們必須先拿定主意
[21:59:18] <@hari`TT> yes, lets focus on the core 是的,讓我們專注在核心上
[21:59:41] <@hari`TT> considering the current situation in Greece dont mention Bulgaria yet 🙂 考慮到現在的情形是希臘還沒有提起保加利亞
[21:59:54] core is arg, gre, ser, slo rom, hun? 核心是,阿根廷,希臘,塞爾維亞,斯洛維尼亞,羅馬尼亞,匈牙利?
[21:59:59] <@hari`TT> yeap 是
[22:00:04] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> yes, the situation in Greece is grey 是,希臘的情勢很模糊
[22:00:06] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> yes bulgaria will be a complication at this moment 是,保加利亞在這時候很複雜
[22:00:06] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> 🙂
[22:00:13] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> form the basic 6 first 先把基本六國組成
[22:00:27] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> ekto[GR][Mofa] myrmidons and GAMA
[22:0😇8] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> tell us about them 和我們說說他們
[22:00:52] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> what do you want to know? 你想要知道什麼?
[22:01:08] they will come to their sences i think...at the moment they bring destruction 我想他們會執迷不悟,在這時帶來毀滅
[22:01:25] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> why are they so mad? 為什麼他們這麼瘋?
[22:01:51] i wonder that too? 我也想知道?
[22:01:54] why? 為什麼?
[22:01:55] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> they are just the old eden people with strong ties to croatia 他們只是和克羅帝亞關係密切的EDEN老人
[22:02:02] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> I know, Mithrantir lost the elections. He wanted SPoland. But still... 我知道,Mithrantir 敗選了,他想要塞爾維亞-波蘭。但還是...
[22:02:07] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> they want alliance 他們想要聯盟
[22:02:14] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> with turkey croatia poland 和土耳其 克羅帝亞 波蘭的聯盟
[22:02:15] fonis was very good ally just few days ago / fonis曾經是個很好的盟友,就在幾天以前
[22:02:23] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> ekto[GR][Mofa]: can you promise to us that rebel greek ppl wont hit against us if Greece founds this alliance? 你可以承諾希臘反抗軍ppl不會再打我們,如果希臘成立了這個聯盟?
[22:02:24] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> majority of gr does not want 多數希臘人不想要
[22:02:29] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> dsturzoiu[RO] we are facing similar things woth RO 我們和羅馬尼亞遇到同樣的事
[22:02:33] now they are ...i dont have comment for it🙁 現在他們在這,我沒有想說的了 🙁
[22:02:35] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> dsturzoiu[RO] we are facing similar things with RO 我們和羅馬尼亞遇到同樣的事
[22:02:36] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> so they use damage to create trouble 所以他們用傷害來製造問題
[22:03:12] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> karaj i can promise about majority /karaj 我可以大致上保證
[22:03:17] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> canot promise 不能保證
[22:03:18] we need to be patiente 我們要有耐心
[22:03:20] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> about iaswn 關於 iaswn
[22:03:24] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> or f@nis 或是f@nis
[22:03:27] and form this alliance asap 以及盡快組成這個聯盟
[22:03:40] that alone should fix the problems with gama /alone 應該和gama解決這個問題
[22:03:53] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> hawkoulis[GR][vmofa], we had discussions with the commanders of those MUs and we explained them that, in these moments, we don't need people to try to destroy what we are biulding 我們必須和這些軍團的指揮官討論和解釋這些,在這種時候,我們不要人們破壞我們所做的。
[22:03:55] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> colonelbruce +1
[22:03:57] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> its okay for me ekto /ekto,這對我來說是OK的
[22:04:18] <@hari`TT> if we ignore Iaswn and Fanis long enough they will give up 如果我們無視Iswan 和Fanis太久,他們就會放棄
[22:04:30] i m sure of it 對此我非常確定
[22:04:33] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> dsturzoiu[RO] let me put it this way you dealt this problems in the past 讓我這樣說吧,你們在以前製造了這個問題
[22:04:38] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> we didnt 我們沒有
[22:04:40] <@hawkoulis[GR][vmofa]> 😛
[22:04:43] <@hari`TT> now, i return to another important question 現在我回到另一個重要的問題
[22:04:56] <@hari`TT> how to arrange the other countries lik RoC 如何安排其他國家,像是台灣
[22:05:17] <@hari`TT> something like TWO/ACT? 像是TWO/ACT?
[22:05:19] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> hawkoulis[GR][vmofa] then go solve them 🙂 那我們來解決這些事
[22:05:37] what about portugal? 葡萄牙怎麼樣?
[22:05:47] <@hari`TT> yes Portugal too 是的,葡萄牙也是
[22:05:54] <@hari`TT> i just made an example 我只是說個例子
[22:05:58] i will have them with us in core of the alliance!? 我會讓他們和我們一起在聯盟的核心!?
[22:06:13] i would* 我想
[22:06:15] <@hari`TT> thats what im asking 這就是我想問的
[22:06:18] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> they will be in secondary alliance 他們會在第二聯盟
[22:06:24] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> not core mebers 不是核心成員
[22:06:32] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> yes 是
[22:06:36] why? if i may ask? 我可以問嗎?
[22:06:38] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> the idea is to make a second alliance 這個是創建第二聯盟的主意
[22:06:41] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> for smaller countries 是為了小一點的國家們
[22:06:46] ok 好
[22:06:56] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> colonelbruce: you can't handle the needs of eveyr countries in big alliances 你沒辦法在大聯盟裡搞定每個國家的需求
[22:07:00] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> every* 更正 每個
[22:07:05] true 事實
[22:07:06] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> they all end up mad 他們最後都會發瘋
[22:07:11] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> i support FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress] 我支持FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]
[22:07:12] <@slps[ROC][MoFA]> So it means two alliances but one commander system?所以這意味著兩個聯盟,但是只有一個指揮官的系統?
[22:07:25] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> yes 是
[22:07:43] will it worked? 這能做到嗎?
[22:07:49] <@hari`TT> totally separate in game? 在遊戲裡完全分開?
[22:08:27] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> yes it will work 這能做到。
[22:08:32] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> it was fine in two 兩個聯盟很好
[22:08:40] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> we will have mpp with them 我們會和他們有MPP
[22:09:12] ok
[22:09:15] <@hari`TT> ill do some talkings with them tomorrow then 我明天會和他們談
[22:09:22] now i have one question! 我現在有個問題
[22:09:29] <@slps[ROC][MoFA]> Chance it'll work at least as long as ROC can attend new alliance affairs, I'll say I can take this way, but I have to talk to CP in morning 至少台灣有機會可以參與聯盟事務,我會說我可以同意這種制度,但我必須明天早上和CP談
[22:09:31] what about france? 法國怎麼樣
[22:09:32] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> go on 繼續
[22:09:42] they contacted me some time ago 他們不久前和我聯繫過
[22:09:53] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Turkey/138891 turkey made his choice 土耳其做了決定
[22:09:57] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> france are willing to jon us 法國想要加入我們
[22:09:58] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> well, that stuff about new countries coming should be left for later 很好,新國家要加入的事應該留到晚點再說
[22:09:59] they want to be on our side, they hate poland so much🙂 他們想要在我們這方,他們非常恨波蘭
[22:10:01] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> i dont see any reason for invitation 我覺得沒有邀請的理由
[22:10:09] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> i don't think it's useful to discuss about that right now 我覺得現在討論這個沒用
[22:10:10] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> imho 這是對的
[22:10:18] <@[SRB][CP]Nikol000> FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]: +1
[22:10:26] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> once we have our alliance formed we can go on other countries 🙂 一旦我們組成了我們的聯盟,我們可以延伸到其他國家
[22:1😇3] ok, later then 好,以後再說
[22:10:47] agreed 同意
[22:10:51] <@hari`TT> colonelbruce: im in contact with France, Serbia and France will make agreement for sure 我現在和法國聯繫,塞爾維亞和法國會一定會同意
[22:11:20] ql, they seems eager to fight spoland 很酷,他們看起來很想和西班牙-波蘭打架
[22:11:27] we can used them 我們可以利用他們
[22:11:57] <@hari`TT> and as i said i'll let this matter of weaker countries open, i dont like the idea of 2 separate alliances tbh 而且就像我說的,我會對較弱的國家公開這件事,老實說我不喜歡分為兩個聯盟的主意
[22:12:03] <@hari`TT> ill tak to them tmr 明天我會和他們說
[22:12:07] <@hari`TT> talk*
[22:12:18] <@hari`TT> Portugal, Belarus, RoC etc.. 葡萄牙,白俄羅斯,台灣 等等...
[22:12:24] <@hari`TT> to see their opinions 看他們的意見
[22:12:37] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> we can't have all that amount of countries ina single alliance 我們不能讓那麼多的國家在一個聯盟裡面
[22:12:41] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> it won't end up well 最後肯定不會有好結果
[22:12:55] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> the times EDEN fell it was because the damage wasn't enough for all the alliance members EDEN殞落的時候就是因為所有成員國的傷害都不夠
[22:12:56] i agree that we shoul hurry to open alliance, so monday is good for me 我同意我們應該盡快開啟新聯盟,所以星期一對我來說很好
[22:13:09] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> instead of alliance's orders 而不是聯盟的命令
[22:13:31] but we can devide our dmg 但是我們可以將我們的傷害分開
[22:13:37] <@hari`TT> you have a good pint 你有非常好的觀點
[22:13:55] we could succesfully win 2-3 strong battles per day 我們每天可以成功地贏兩到三場強硬的戰鬥
[22:14:01] <@hari`TT> i just need to go soon so u cant finish thee disscusion about that 我只是想要快點,不然我沒辦法結束有關這的討論
[22:14:09] <@hari`TT> I* cant 更正 我不能
[22:14:15] <@hari`TT> sry for my typing 😃 我為我的打字抱歉
[22:14:23] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> 😛
[22:14:24] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> anyway 隨便啦
[22:14:25] 😃
[22:14:30] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> please continue to next topic, we will discuss this no founder thing on first or second alliance meetinh 請接著下個話題,我們將要討論除了成員國以外的第一或第二聯盟的會議
[22:14:31] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> if anyone else doesn't have any other question 如果沒有人有其他問題
[22:14:46] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> mmmmm 嗯嗯嗯嗯
[22:14:48] it s ok 這OK
[22:14:51] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> who else has another topic? 誰有其他話題?
[22:14:59] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> its me 我
[22:14:59] will continue this tomorrow 明天會繼續
[22:15:09] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> go on karaj 繼續karaj
[22:15:16] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> we have to set up coordination precisely and fast 我們必須又快又精準地建立合作關係
[22:15:26] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> at least military organization. Who will do it? 最少要是軍事組織,誰要做這個?
[22:15:33] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> we need prio docs, orders 我們需要很棒的文件,命令
[22:15:36] <@dsturzoiu[RO]> I want to ask your oppinion concerning Poland's move 對於波蘭的行動,我想要問你的意見。
[22:15:40] <@karaj22[HU][MoFa]> who will be responsible for this? 誰會對這負責?
[22:15:41] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> we need to settle a SG and SC 我們需要解決SG和SC(編按:不懂這句)
[22:15:45] nalaja o7
[22:15:46] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> voted by all the countries 所有國家都能投票
[22:15:54] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> we need to have an alliance first 我們必須先有個聯盟
[22:15:55] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> but that should be done after countries debate it in congress 但那應該在國家們的議會辯論後完成
[22:16:00] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> yep 是
[22:16:04] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> we can not arange comand 我們不能發布命令
[22:16:08] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> without an alliance 在沒有聯盟的情況下
[22:16:30] we could perhaps vote here 我們或許可以在這投票
[22:16:48] if there is candidate for temporary command 如果這裡有臨時指揮官的候選
[22:16:54] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> if everything foes as planned we could have elections on tuesday 如果每件事都照計畫進行,我們可以在星期二投票
[22:16:57] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> or wednesday 或是星期三
[22:17:03] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> proper elections 妥善的選舉
[22:17:08] ok
[22:17:09] <@hari`TT> make concept of the charta and we gonna talk tomorrow firther 起草憲章,然後我們明天再談更深入的
[22:17:15] <@hari`TT> wish you a great evening all 大家晚安
[22:17:20] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> o/
[22:17:36] <@hawkoulis> o/
[22:17:38] untill that time, we could manage military coordinations on our diplomacy IGM s 到那時,我們可以在遊戲裡的外交管理軍事合作
[22:17:39] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> alrite 好
[22:17:48] as for some days now 到現在好幾天了
[22:17:53] <@slps[ROC][MoFA]> so basic principle will come out tomorrow? 所以基本的法條明天會出來?
[22:18:00] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> i dont think some days will make a difference 我不覺得幾天之內會有什麼變化
[22:18:11] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> plus a lot of stuff has to be settled and organized 加上一大堆事必須組織和處理
[22:18:25] do you need any help? 你需要任何幫助嗎?
[22:18:29] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> slps[ROC][MoFA]: the chart will be sent later today 圖表今天稍晚會出來
[22:18:39] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> i'll send you it via PM ig 我會在遊戲內PM你
[22:18:40] <~FlorenciaC[Arg][Empress]> 🙂
[22:18:40] <@slps[ROC][MoFA]> thanks
[22:18:42] who is organizing stuff like that? 誰是像那樣的組織人員?
[22:18:43] <@ekto[GR][Mofa]> i will present you basic princeples tomorow 明天我會給你基本法條