【东亚日报】 俄罗斯, 祝你生活愉快

Day 1,008, 15:58 Published in China New Zealand by Marcos Arolia

(【社论】 黑暗时代 (一个): http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-editorial-the-dark-ages-jnp-part-1-1495658/1/20

(【东亚日报】 兴奋, 成本很高: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/excitement-expensive-excitement-jap--1494591/1/20)

Yesterday was an editorial on the early days of BETA in East Asia. To make up for my laziness on current events, today will be a double edition. In world news, the population of eRepublik has been cut severely revealing more honest evaluations of the world. The honest evaluation is this:

China has surpassed Indonesia as the power of Asia. Only the BETA Giants are saving Indonesia from being removed from the top 10 Nations of eRepublik.


Today is the continuation of the evolution of Japanese culture, with the inclusion of the Obon Festival of RL Japan. Because of game mechanics, the way it is done in eRepublik will be slightly different. Citizens are to write obituaries for old citizens who have died in the New World. Their lives are to be honoured about their achievements in this game and a fictional reason for their death. We hope this holiday experiences a success.

To read an example of an obituary, here is the obituary for no1kevlin: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/im-memoriam-no1kevlin-obon-2010-edition--1496186/1/20
His profile:

Also, Sophia's Reflections, written by Spohia Forrester, 9-time member of the Japanese Diet and long-time citizen of Japan, warns of a potential PTO by Phoenix due to threats of dishmcds, whose threats are being taken seriously due to his role as the man who warned USA they would be invaded; they were invaded. It is a speech meant to be informative and inspiring, Japanese media at its best.


President Grease is within the media as usual. His first article, written entirely in Korean, is the structure of the New World. It is now slightly out of date, considering Sol may not resurrect from its period of restructuring and there are changes to the regions listed. Otherwise, it is an excellent read for RL Koreans unfamiliar with the global structure that exists. Also, as president of the Sin-Gan Association, he praises the activity and calls for Congress candidates.

In other news, The Tsuhima Times has listed the Congress candidates for all of the regions. Jeju Gunjeon has also listed congressional candidates, but with more detail.


News is light for the double edition as congressional runs are announced at praise is given to the fact that Corea holds Russian territory. The importance of the second part should be known to all of my readers; after all, Russia did control Corea for many months,

(Remember Corean readers, I can translate the Chinese written in the media. Only request, and I will send you a PM telling you what is said.)


News is very deep and heavy after two days of news. Let us begin.

CIA Press, the newspaper of China Intelligence Agency, has written of a new threat to Corea from PTO citizens from Turkey. After praising the sweet taste of revenge against Russia, A bot army led by Turkish citizens has been sent by Russia to recapture Corea and return it to servitude. The different parties create a more difficult organization for ATO effort due to the different nationalities that created and run the parties. Requests for all Asians, specifically Chinese, to gain Corean citizenship to stop this PTO was requested.

Big X Thinking begins with an ironic article speaking of what was in Russian Media three months ago. Read here:


Past mistakes of eRussia, like HankScorpio's rage when he attacked nearly every bordering nation not that long ago, and the operational wisdom of the invading forces allowed Asian Russia to fall into Allied(another name for EDEN/Brolliance) hands. A mocking line mistakenly understood as "The Aurora is very beautiful." was truly meant something else entirely. He has apologized in the next article. Big X Thinking describes in detail what took place on the battlefields of East Siberia in detail.

eChina Daily speaks of the events as sufficient punishment for Russia, but asking who will next be fought against. Liaoning is the obvious answer from the majority, though Cynosure II is critical of the President, telling him to do his business as the leader. Also, we are warned that there may be a potential counter-attack, and we must be on guard.

CNDA has released a Web site for training data. It is not prepared for use due to technical difficulties.

Finally, I leave you with an interesting poem:



的北战争 (西部前)

There has been a declared cease-fire between the three countries fighting in UK for the Congressional elections. Fighting will continue after the 25th. Also, British Prime Minister John Bartlett has resigned from his post. jamesw, Deputy Prime Minister and a former Prime Minister, has succeeded him to office. That does not mean all is peaceful. Finland, taking advantage of the Russian weakness, attacked their Norge territories. Vestlandet, the most important Norwegian territory,was reclaimed by Finland.

谢谢, 请您原谅。

Marcos Arolia