Work for weapons

Day 519, 02:53 Published in Israel Romania by eliberator

Hello people of Israel.
I want to share some weapons with you.
Each day of working at my Q1 weapons company I will give you weapons, or NIS. Depends what you really want to do with your production.
What you can do with weapons?
- You can fight and increase your rank.
- You can sell them on the black market, or through my company to the Israel Market.

Why I'm doing this? I want to increase the military power of Israel, because we will need it soon in the Resistance Wars which will come.

Start working today, and you will be one of the Israelis with a lot of weapons to melt in the wall.

For details, please send me private messages.

For payment I'm sure I can pay the best salaries for the people of Israel and I also offer the best working conditions 😉.