What Is Going On Around The World II - Iran & Macedonia

Day 3,043, 17:18 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

This is my second installment of my series of articles letting you guys know what is going on around the world with our friends and allies. Today i will we will be focusing on Iran and Macedonia.


Right now Iran is busy helping their allies Serbia and Peru againt their enemy Turkey and Georgia indirectly and recovering their accounts from the nonstop wars they have been having against these two countries.

Also i would suggest everyone read Osex's articles if you are more interested in Iran. The articles are very detailed and worth the read.



Currently Macedonia is recovering from the hard fought victory they had against the Air Strike that was bestowed upon them by Argentina.

Also the government have a program for lending money to their citizens in the lower divisions to buy packs. It has been reported to me that they have been doing this for 5 to 6 months already. Apparently this has been paying off for them and we wish them the best.

Regarding foreign affairs in their country they are doing their best to keep in contact with their allies and help them in any battles they need help in

I hope you found the information given about these two great countries helpful!