We Are the Initiators

Day 3,933, 19:24 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

Editor's note: Here is another long-lost excerpt from the Prison Notebooks of Phoenix Quinn. I am not entirely sure if this is a draft chapter for a sci-fi novel, or maybe the result of a close call with a cup of psylocibin tea, or if it really is some kind of very strange manifesto for revolution in e-Republik. After all, PQ always claimed to be an ostrich. Or sometimes a squirrel. At any rate, it is just too weird not to share. And maybe it will rouse some decent comments or other weirdness in this dull excuse for a media...

We Are the Initiators

Greetings comrade-bunnies of all shapes and sizes! WE ARE THE INITIATORS! We must recognize this deep in our souls. This is an historic juncture.

Comrade-terrapins, comrade-ravens, comrade-canines, comrade-geckos! Beavers of all Nations! Here me when I say: We are the initiators! This is how we will be remembered in the history that the Socialist Freedom Party has been e-writing for many years, pages that no wiggy admin, no Platonic idealist, no chicken-brained peace-niks, no capitalist-imperialist oppressor and no card-shark under-handed dealer will ever be able to erase.

We are the initiators.

The founding of the Marxmen, and then the Bear Cavalry, then the Socialist Freedom Communes, and the International Brigades, and the Workers Militias, and now, at last, of the Black and Red Orchestra is at once an ending and a beginning.

It ends the time of peace. And begins the time of war.

Comrades of this Earth and all the others, our unmusical labors have concluded. Today the musical struggle begins: to lift up the masses, to lift up the players under the infallible ideological banner of Ramonist-Chuikovist Sexy PQ Rules (R-C, SPQR).

Osmany Ramon, gazing meaningfully into the bright red dawn of socialist freedom

Pondering the key princicples of R-C, SPQR is known to make all reactionaries, executioners, and class enemies tremble in their jammies. Also, it is a scientifically proven e-fact that joining the Socialist Freedom Party automatically makes comrades of any species anywhere from 35% to 47% sexier. So think about it.

As a reminder, the key precepts of R-C, SPQR can be summarized as the following, each of which can be delved into by reading more of my writings:

1. Closely explore the nature of the real Real. If you need help doing so, then read PQ's noteworthy work Patterns of Discontent and Their Antidotes, which deals with securitization, security, and the contestation for public space as a necessary precondition for freedom.

2. Examine the historical roots of freedom struggles in eRepublik, as described in PQ's epic screed, Seeing Red, an exegesis on the Great Resistance. Base your new riffs on a cool mix of e-historical materialism and magical e-realism, then imagine what the future should look like, as described for example in works like A Declaration on the Rights of All Players.

3. Ride the contours for the possiblities of an emancipatory project within your e-lifetimes. You may recall that PQ devotee Delmar Abdulmeningitis took a hard look at trauma, truth and e-literature in Tractacus e-Logico-Philosophicus. Be like Delmar. Use your words.

4. Distinguish the utility of various forms of stupidity. This is a key skill for any eRep player, young or old, noobster or crusty old fart, human or non, as described in excruciating detail in PQ's well-loved And yet it moves, a study in stupidity.

5. Discourse upon the question of Freedom directly. For example, PQ once provided an easy-to-follow 13-step program for Overcoming Reason with Art: How Freedom Arises Chaotically That manifesto for an e-Global Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement provided a handy guide to e-global liberation. Surely you can come up an updated tune of two in the general style of a ballad, non?

6. If all of that seems like just too literary, and you basically don't know how to read the bard's tongue anyway due to the wretched state of public education and the dumbing influence of the internet in a zombie-capitalist imperial war-culture, then just try PQ's plain and simple exercise plan for The End of Wretchedness. (As explained at some length in Something I Have Heard Before, and stolen directly from zen master PigInZen, who probably got it from ol' Sid himself.) It consists quite simply in not being a dick.

Ramonism-Chuikovism, reaching the great pinnacle of Sexy PQ Rules, has brought us to a new movement: the powerful international e-workers' global anarcho-syndicalist moment, roiled by foaming waves of national liberation sentiment, and the development of international socialist freedom sentiments everywhere.

Yes, my droogs, we are entering the strategic offensive of the World Orchestra!

The next fifty to a hundred years of game play will certainly bring about a sweeping away of imperialism, boredom and all oppressors and alt-right trolls. History cannot be turned back. It is in the hands of the working class, the leadership of the socialist freedom parties, and the force of the poor players, which is the foundation of the organic people's war that will grow each day until it topples the old order. The New World is entering a new moment: the strategic offensive of Black and Red Musicality. This is a fact of transcendental importance.

As the Great Helmsperson Civil Anarchy once rapped, "The storm approaches, the wind roars in the tower."

And that is how it is. For both the country mice and the house mice, for cats and dogs alike: the storm approaches. The storm is taking shape. The invicible tunes of the revolutionary orchestra will grow until they turn to lead and steel, and from the din of battle and from the ceaseless fire will come the light.

From the darkness will come the light, the shining light. There will be a new New World.

The Socialist Freedom Party has no fear.

Listen. The reactionary order creaks all around us. The old imperialist ship is springing leaks. It is desperate to sink. The reactionary rats have already started to jump ship.

But comrades of the air and of the sea, comrades who walk and those who slither, let us gird ourselves! Let us all toss away false expectations! The old order will not retire peacefully. The Great Internationalist Thinker Chuikov warned us: even sinking it throws the flailing blows of the drowning, slashing out desperately to see if it can defeat us. This is impossible. We have no fear and cannot be defeated. But the reactionaries dream of hyena-style slaughter: the agitated fantasies of their somber nights would see a field of rabbit bones. Their hearts beat in sinister hecatombs. They arm themselves to the teeth. But they will not prevail.

Their destiny is weighed and measured.

Judgement day has arrived.

The imperialist combines invade, penetrate, undermine, destroy, and seek to bury their fear. But, as the Great Leader Osmany Ramon often said, before he had a kid and stopped playing this silly game: "By attacking, aggressing, and launching attacks, they sqaunder their energy and tangle themselves up in the people's powerful clutches. The people rear up, arm themselves, and rise in great harmony to put the noose around the neck of imperialism, all reactionaries, seizing and garroting them by the throat while making beautiful music."

Some people say Chairman Ramon was too harsh, or overly influenced by 80's commie punk rock lyrics, but yes, they are strangled, necessarily, necessarily. The rotting flesh of the reactionaries will convert into threads and sink into the mud. That which remains will be burned and the ashes scattered by the winds of the earth so that only the sinister memory will remain of that which will never return.

In conclusion. This juncture, this moment, as dawn breaks over this rave upon our sacred mountain, far from the madding crowds, here in South Dakota, away from the hustle and bustle of the daily capitalist wars, this is the ending and the beginning. The ending of everything accomplished until today. The beginning of tomorrow.

What we have done until now is positive and bore good fruits and ye shall know him by works, someone said. There is nothing left to prove. What is done has been good. The beginning, that which we must accomplish, will be even betterer. It will be the one great thing that we must do in our e-lives. And it will come, accompanied by a powerful orchestral movement, by force of arms, out of the tanks, the bombs and most of all by the direct action of the Socialist Freedom Party over the masses of players. The people's orchestral movement will grow...

Ramonist-Chuikovist, Sexy PQ Rules, the international proletariat and all the sentient creatures of the e-world, the working class, the people and animals of the nations, the SFP with its Revolutionary Committee, its autonomous cells, its leaders: all the great actions of the game-years have culminated at this moment in e-history. The promise unfolds, the future unfolds. We are obligated to live up to this promise. What has been given to use as a future must be fulfilled with our lives, for the sake of the players, of the proletarians, and the SPQR!

The energy is within you, my lovely hamsters.

"PQ is in ur slogan killin ur d00dz"
-- Jack Lantos, Day 1881