There goes the economy ...

Day 1,159, 08:13 Published in Romania Hungary by clawy

Just not in the way we expected it.

When the work as a GM thing was introduced, everybody expected that product prizes will drop rapidly, with raws reaching 0.01 per unit and other products adjusting. That did happen in the first 2 days: food went to 50% of it's former value in almost all countries, raw prices drooped quickly below the price where boosters would make profit.

Then a big surprise: in one night, prices jumped back in all countries, and are at the same constant level (at least for the bigger countries I follow) ever since. But now currency values are dropping like hell, as if somebody would be pouring large amount of currency into the economy, by let's say buying those said products.

Now if this would happen locally, I would say somebody is cloning currency and keeping his countries prices up, but since it is happening globally, I think it should be very clear to everybody who is doing this.
Stop ruining this game, it is broken enough as it is already.