Small Steps, Big Fun

Day 2,969, 06:31 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

A few words from your newly elected CP...

Thank you, eAustralia, for your confidence in me. Thank you, Kattrrina, for running a good race (it was close!) and for keeping your own campaign clean and professional. And thank you, Rusty D, for handing over an intact country and for your ongoing commitment to improving eAustralia.

I will present some of this term's goals and cabinet members below.

Small Steps

Small steps are how we will approach normalising our relations with ePeru. We share our international alliance orientation, as well as a history of good friendship and cooperation- and there is no need for our countries to treat each other as enemies.

Respect and trust must be developed on both sides. I have already begun a dialog with Peru's reelected CP, Chorrillano. My DoFA/DoD team of, Clorofila, and WachaGonnaDu (who will be returning to eAus ASAP to help out) are already planning efforts in this direction.

Our relationships with our allies can always be improved, and that is a high priority for my administration. My team will endeavour to improve our ties with Orion and Asteria, while retaining our commitment to Nebula, and a connection with Pacifica countries as well.

Obviously all MPP's will be decided in Congress. More information will be published on our MPP stack as it develops.

Big Fun

Well you know that means warsies! We'll be focused on helping our allies for a bit, but there are plans afoot for some really big fun if we can make it work. Sorry to use this old line- but that's all I can say for now. 😃

Rest assured, I will be working hard on this and keeping you informed when I can. And when the fun starts, I'm sure we'll all be glad to see our PM FreeGigi out there on the battlefield, tanking for eAus!

There are other policies to discuss and other cabinet members to introduce, but I will stop for now. Once cabinet posts are finalised, orgs sorted out, and the new congress thread is started (thank you Ilene Dover!), my team and I will be back to bring you frequent updates.

Peoples, I can only try to make the changes you want if I know what they are. So please, speak up- PM me or my cabinet team members or your representatives in Congress, with your ideas and opinions.

Once again, thank you for your trust in making me your CP.

I'll work hard to deserve that.

