Slayers Corps

Day 2,886, 05:16 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Starac202
Welcome Back My Friends

eRepublik article: Sluzimo eSrbiji Newspaper from Serbia not Turkey!

Dear RL Dutch co- citizens and eDutch citizens,

I just applied for an eDutch citizenship and explained my motivation. I hope You’ll approve it.

Currently I’m holding a hefty FAREWELL DISTRIBUTION of Q7 tanks, because I want to leave eSerbia neatly.

It's going slowly with the distribution; there are 45 x 5 Q7 (225) tanks left to be distributed; first 475 have already been distributed. I would also like to offer them to you; condition is sub + vote in the comment of the previous article, shout is welcome: FAREWELL DISTRIBUTION

In this article I introduced my newly formed MU and myself: Introducing SOF Global Security

I was upset about RL politicians and changed my avatar and MU name from "SOF Global Security" to "Slayers".

Slayers Corps

The Slayers Corps is the special forces unit of the Royal eNetherlands Army. The Slayers Corps is responsible for preparing and conducting special operations for defence and crisis management tasks of the Allies of the eNetherlands.

The Slayers Corps conducts special operations, which are mainly operations of strategic or operational importance that are conducted in an area which is not under control of friendly forces. The main tasks of the Slayers Corps are:
Special Reconnaissance: special reconnaissance missions to acquire information about a hostile or semi-hostile area, about a threat or about the effects of an attack.

Direct Action: offensive actions, such as ambushes, sabotage and target designation.

Military Assistance: military assistance with the aim of training or advising allies or groups.

In addition, the Slayers Corps carry out counterterrorist actions and rescue operations.

Starac202, Alpha Tester
Recon Unit Ansterdam 😉
(1982-1985 of the Yugoslav People’s Army)
of the Serbian Armed Forces

Into The Blue