Ruby Tuesday

Day 3,851, 16:46 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

Ruby Tuesday

This is my somewhat convoluted way of honoring PQ's work and saying: "Don't be dull. Lift the damn blacklist. Honor the Decembrists. Long live the Revolutionary Spirit!"

A coffee klatch had formed at e-Starbucks, where the noisy and the eager, and the arrogant and the forward and the vain, fretted and chafed, and made their usual uproar while Dr. Bogdanov sipped his grande soy latte.

The erstwhile and learned representative of the right-deviationist wind asked Bogdanov: "Is it OK to give tribute to Emerick, or not?"

He said, "Look at the history of the eUSA? Who's image appears more often than any other? Who's superscription is known throughout the e-empires?

"Render under Emerick the things which are Emerick's; and unto the Revolution the things that are revolutionary."

An existentialist, filled with angst, then asked whether there is any point in painting a picture of an e-utopia for which to strive. When all is meaningless and virtual, why not just take pleasure and leave it at that?

Bogdanov replied, "Know the power of the Revolutionary Path. We seek not a bourgeois e-marriage with a hottie like Kazeal, but rather to touch the heart of God."

A lawyer aske😛 "Which is the greatest law?"

The doctor quickly responded, "The first is Give it up to a Higher Power. The second is Love thy e-neighbor as thyself. That is all."

Then Bogdanov, after quickly answering a text from Mass. General having to do with advanced blood transfusion techniques, asked his gaggle of friends, "What think ye of the Teacher? Was he a Prince or a Pauper?"

And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions, lest he riddle them with more Zen enigmas.

Then Bogdanov went out on the street and spoke to the multitudes and to his interns, thusly:

All that Plato bids you observe, that observe and do. But do not follow his works; for he says, and does not.

Admin binds burdens heavy and grievous to be borne upon the players' shoulders. But he himself will not move them with one of his mighty fingers.

Plato wears fine garments, loves to drink ten-year-old scotch, and sits in the front row at meetings with angel investors. Being greeted in the market, he loves to be called Admin, Admin.

Be ye not called Teacher, for there are many teachers and all ye are brethren. Call no man your father upon the e-earth; for all men are mothers too. Neither let a player call you Master; for all forms of slavery must be abolished.

He that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

Whomsoever shall exalt himself without developing an actual personality shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself without becoming maudlin shall be exalted.

Woe unto the hypocrites, for they shut up the Kingdom of Art against players; they neither into Art themselves, nor suffer them that do.

Woe unto the hypocrites, for they devour the houses and companies of departed players, make a pretence for devotion to game mechanics and laugh all the way to the bank.

Woe unto the hypocrites, for they mass message for one convert, and when he is made, make him twofold more the child of pizza.

Woe unto the blind guides, who say, to swear by the Revolution is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by Gold, he is in our debt!

Which is greater: the gold or a Revolution that sanctifieth the gold?
Which is greater: the donation of gold or the Liberation of Noobs?

He that shall swear by the Revolution shall never perish from the Wiki Hall of Heros.

Woe unto the hypocrites, for they pay tithe to their militia commune and have ommitted to into weightier matters of judgement and mercy and art. Amirite?

The blind guides strain at a gnat but swallow a whole hog.

Woe unto the hypocrites, for they polish the knob but never open their door.

Woe unto the hypocrites, for they lay flowers at the graves of the martyrs, not realizing they are worshipping rotting bones.

Who killed the Kennedys? After all, it was you and me. So be witnesses unto yourselves; ye are the children of them which killed them. Fill ye up then the measure of your "fathers". Oh, ye serpents, ye generation of vipers: how can ye escape the damnation of the Revolutionaries?

Behold, I send unto you socialist prophets and revolutionary wise men and anarcho-scribes. Some of them ye shall kill; and some of them ye scourge and persecute and blacklist, like Trumbo of old, from forum to forum.

Into you will come the righetous boredom shod upon the New World. Verily I'm tellin' you, all these things shall come upon this generation.

Oh New World, New World, thou that ignorest the freedom-prophets and stonest them which are sent into thee, how often would the Revolutionaries gather together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and ye would not abide them.

Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.

Blessed is he that posts in the name of the Revolution.