Our beloved Israel

Day 578, 01:21 Published in Israel Romania by eliberator

Yesterday I've issued a plan for Israel. Something is happening in our country, which is not quite nice.
Our inflation is 185% today.
Yesterday the recommended currency rate was 700NIS / GOLD. Today is only 200NIS / GOLD.
We should produce more and more cheaper products such as more people will come here to buy our products.
I want to have a very good industry in Israel. You will see that a lot of investors will come here to invest in our beloved country, and if more competitors will be here, we will become more competitive also in the World.
Yesterday, somebody from Indonesia (which is a PEACE country) contacted me in order to sell him some Q2 Food. I refused his offer, and I invited him to buy it directly from our markets. I don't want to cut the country VAT by blackmarket.
What means when other countries contact us for buying products? This means more gold for Israel! They buy NIS with their gold and use them in our country.
The only problem we still have is the number of citizens of the country. We should increase it. Poland have had this citizen boom last days.
I wonder when we will colonize our country with some thousands of citizens 😉.

PS for all the food companies:
1xQ3 grain is the same as 3xQ1 grain units.
1xQ2 grain is the same as 2xQ1 grain units.
Red Crystal is providing Q2 grain harvested in Israel with only 0.7NIS
(which mean 0.35NIS/grain unit). I expect that my Grain company is a good support for all the food companies from Israel.