Liberty, the 8th and the Kraken

Day 1,715, 13:54 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

I'd like to invite you to join the Liberty Military Unit and consider joining the 8th regiment.

Why join?
The unit fights for the UK, her allies and neutral nations. New players are welcomed, there is a relaxed community, positive atmosphere and leadership roles are available.

Why follow me?
Let me tell you a story, when I was a younger man
I heard tales of a mythical beast which lived in the deep fathoms of the sea. Seldom glimpsed by fisherman or sailor, survived by less, those who did feared so as not to speak of the encounter.

As a young naive man, I sought out passage on numerous vessels hoping to find one of these beasts. One day to my misfortune I met this creature.
Let me tell you, the Kraken is the most fearsome of all sea monsters, that lives below the ocean surface. This Dreaded Behemoth, who was known to attack, dragging good hearted seamen to their death confirmed it's monstrous nature.

However I survived this encounter and in so gained strength, this strength I lend to Liberty and my homeland the eUK.

So I ask you to join Liberty and me in the 8th. Together we will harness the strength of the Kraken to protect the eUK, her allies and neutral nations.

Outside of my tales of valour, I’m very active and frequently online. I closely follow the current political and military situation of the eUK and new world so I'm in a good position to set and change daily orders.

Members in the 8th regiment of Liberty can expect of me to:
- Set daily orders, updated as needed to ensure the regiment is used to its maximum efficiency
- Help, advise and supply if needed.
- Communicate when required in the MU 'feeds'.
- Recruit additional members to the unit via articles in my newspaper.

If you'd like to be invited to the 8th Regiment of Liberty, feel free to comment below “I want to release the strength of the Kraken.”

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Current Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Captain 8th Regiment of the Liberty Military Unit