Let the wind blow

Day 4,775, 04:23 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn
The eRepublikan Workingpeeps’ Co-operative Publishing Society
”This too will be swept away.”
Vol. 1, No. 5 Day 4775
The SFP is a far-left anarcho-syndicalist party founded on the concept of an active, self-governing General Membership..

Join the Party -- https://www.erepublik.com/en/party/-socialist-freedom-party-3653/1
Check out the SFP Forum -- https://sfp-erep.forumotion.com/

The Great Workingpeeps' Cultural Renaissance (GWCR) is Underway!!

I am grateful to the SFP members for electing me to chair its Revolutionary Committee over the next month. As noted (at great length) in previous statements, my main goal is to promote an avalanche of cultural activity "from below".

One part of the Renaissance is to breathe new life into the SFP Forum, to make it a place that is fun to visit for Party members, as well as for friends and visitors.

In the spirit of the GWCR, this month the SFP Revolutionary Committee has a number of members who've not served before, and it includes an expanded number of non-voting members as well.

Please welcome the following camaradniks who have been tasked with promoting, leading, protecting, empowering and enlivening the SFP community!!


The following 4 have agreed to help lead efforts in specific areas.

- Flashback1 -- Congressional elections
- PimpDollaz -- Press presence
- Shiloh13 -- Membership solidarity, training, material support
- Leon Gutierrez -- International communications and friendship

The following 6 most excellent folks are _voting_ members of the Revolutionary Committee.

- TheePostman
- Coin Keeper
- PilotPhil
- Goxi HN
- LordOther
- Ryan Rusher

We try to keep the need for voting to a minimum, aiming for consensus and voluntarism primarily. But should a vote be required, the above 10 members + the Chair are the voters on the RC.


- Franklin Stone
- zRTx
- What a Guy
- cyber1demon
- Luciver
- grangiuseppe
- Countess of Flame

Non-voting members of the RC have just as much right and are encouraged to participate as much as possible in discussions, putting forward ideas, opinion, etc. as voting members.

The Revolutionary Committee is an engine of activity. It is neither a legislative nor a governing body. It is an organization of militants, of leaders, of doers, of professional revolutionaries. It is the center ring of the SFP circus. 🙂

Citizens and Friends Around the e-World!!
The Global Workingpeeps Cultural Renaissance Needs You!!
Looking for an interesting alternative? Fix your gaze upon the mighty, mighty SFP!

Take a deep breath and plunge into the refreshing icy cold waters of socialist freedom! You'll enjoy the swim!

RC Chair RF Williams, who is 189 years old, swimming in Cape Cod Bay on a fine December morning

As the great poet of revolution once said...

"Let the wind blow and waves beat,
Better far than idly strolling in a courtyard.
Today I am at ease.
It was by a stream that the Master said
'Thus do things flow away!'
Sails move with the wind.
Tortoise and Snake are still.
Great plans are afoot!"

Join up today, conrads!!
