Hello Nooby Tuesday! Today- Jobs

Day 2,898, 07:40 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

Hey Peoples!

Crikey, how did it get to be Tuesday already?!

Today’s topic is not a complicated one, really- Jobs. You go to the job market and get a job. Then each day you log on, you go to work. Still, there are different job arrangements out there, and they will suit different people’s needs.

Obviously, we all want the high wages. But there are other things to consider. Some jobs offer overtime (if you have a house, you can work an extra shift each day), some do not. Some jobs are part of communes, where your wage is low but you get food and weapons for your daily supplies. Some jobs offer a moderate wage with a food bonus.

So how do you find a job that’s right for you? The easiest way is to go to the job market, click on the employer’s link, and PM him or her with your questions. A good boss can really make a difference to your development in the game!

On to the good stuff!

If you are an eAussie under Level 26, write a comment below to receive 100 Q1 foods for free. And be sure to comment here as well, for more free loot! You might want to save some for the upcoming Headless Horseman promotion- or not, as you like!

In the spirit of Nooby Tuesday, I will put some at- or below-cost Q1 foods on the market right after I publish this article- so check it out quick and snap up a bargain! With all the current wars and coming promotion, prices are likely to rise, at least for the short term. Comment below, then GOGOGO- to the market!

Once again, I have no idea what next week’s topic will be, so if you think of one, comment below or PM me. And if you’re a young player who is not in the JDS, PM Mongoosier and ask him what you’re missing out on!

It is really good to read the news, peoples, because an informed citizenry makes a strong country. And hopefully, a better fed one, too. 🙂

Cheers All,
