Hello Nooby Tuesday! Today- Groceries

Day 2,890, 22:59 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

Hey Peoples!

It has not escaped us in the ADP that there is currently no Department of Education and Entertainment. So because we want to help our young players to be active and stay in eAus, we’re hoping this weekly article will help fill the void a bit.

Today’s topic is dear to my heart (and my belly): Groceries!

When you go to the marketplace, you will notice that foods now cost around 0.035 cc per energy- that is, around 7 cents for Q1 food, 14 cents for Q2, etc. It is a good idea to check the prices of different quality foods before you buy, so you get the best deal! If you find a good deal, stock up as much as your cc and storage will allow.

Of course we would rather keep all marketplace taxes in eAus, but you should still take advantage of good prices when you’re fighting in other countries. We want you to save your monies for your training grounds!

Here is an example: I am in Romania just now. So I go to the marketplace and check food prices in Aus:

I find that Q3 foods are 0.21 each in Aus. I tick the flag emblem at top right to switch to the Romanian marketplace, where I find that Q3 foods are 0.20 each.

It’s not a huge savings, but you never know unless you check! Note that you can check prices anywhere, but you can only buy from a foreign market when you are actually in that country.

If you’ve read this far- goodonya for being keen! Now if you are an eAussie under Level 26, write a comment below to receive 100 Q1 foods for free. You won’t find a better price than that…

In the spirit of Nooby Tuesday, I will try to put some at- or below-cost Q1 and/or Q2 foods on the market right after I publish this article- so check it out quick and snap up a bargain! With all the current and coming wars, prices will almost certainly be going up, at least for the short term.

I have no idea what next week’s topic will be, so if you think of one, comment below or PM me. If you are a noob who is not in the JDS, PM Mongoosier and ask him what you’re missing out on!
