Good changes are good

Day 1,227, 10:00 Published in Romania Hungary by clawy

Everybody who spent some time talking to me knows what I think about this game. In the 2,5 years I spent here I have seen it go from great, to acceptable, to rising, to what it has become today.

But the saying "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s" also goes for Plato.

First good change towards the game was the 10 gold/day limit. In my 2,5 years of playing, (except for transfers between my own orgs and character) I can count on my fingers how many times I needed to receive more then that in one day. Basically only 4 groups needed this:
- those stealing money from country treasuries => very good they can't do it anymore
- those receiving lots of gold for tanking, instead of splitting this among a large number of users => very good they can't do it anymore
- those buying gold on the black market => very good they can't do it anymore
- those having a large number of companies and can convert fair money into gold => they are the exception, a solution should be found for them

Now the new battle system was announced. What I have to say about the old/current battle system: nowhere, except the Lord of the Rings movies, have I seen something so unrealistic. The enemy can dominate you through the whole battle, they have basically kicked you off the face of the planet, then you come in with the cavalry in the last few seconds and obtain victory. This was a problem in V1, this was one of the main reasons of fail in V2. The current 15 round system was a change it the right direction, but it proved to not be enough.
The new minute based system is clever: it gives a bit fun to semi active players, since they can also turn the bar now and then. It gives advantages of having a high active population, rather then having a few highly active military units or tanks. It stops people from having to wait 2 hours for battles to end in order to due it effectively.
As long as it stays bug free (or at least it has only a few bugs), i am all for it. It is not perfect, but it is better then any of the battle systems we had until now.

Only bad thing is how it is introduced. Stopping attacks shouldn't happen, and now that it does, it should be as limited as possible. nWo countries will say that this happened before they could obtain complete victory, EDEN/Little EDEN countries will say that this happened when their regions are conquered and they are at en economic disadvantage. Both sides are right and both will be unhappy. This is bad marketing.
Well, at least maybe it will bring me the opportunity to stay a little in Banat, Hungary, without having the fear an RW while I am at work. If this happens, we should definitely go out to a drink in Temesvar (former Timisoara) to celebrate this 😛 The maps in the Bierhaus are correctly set for this already anyhow.