For the Love of Wolf: MEK SagaBatalanto SPEAKS

Day 2,916, 16:09 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

This is the sixth in a series of interviews with members of the Mobile Elite Korp- known throughout the eWorld as MEK.

This week we interview Div 4 MEK Tank, eBrazilian SagaBatalanto.

1. How long have you been a MEKie?

To be honest I don't know. I was in MEK in September. And I'm again in MEK for several weeks now. Enough time to fall in love with it and all of its members.

2. What MU’s were you in before, and why did you decide to join MEK?

Well, I have been in all of the big Brazilian MU’s. I entered the Flying Cocks when it had only 13 members. Everyone was there because of friendship. There were no material benefits.

The first time I entered MEK was because of its uniform. 😛 True! The uniform was amazing, and then I started to meet exceptional people and since then I’ve felt that I made the right choice. (NB: Saga refers to the awesome MEK logo on our avatars, created with input from both Pisco and pedritoisdarkside.)

SagaBatalanto’s Profile

3. Are you mostly a fighter, or do you also enjoy other parts of the game?

A pure fighter. But I like the social module too.

4. What was the best MEK battle you like to remember, and why?

Portugal vs Italy on eday 2.910. Why? In the first round I had to beat my account record damage, but sadly it was frustrating, as it did not become epic and we lost it. Even though I had the biggest damage there!

5. Will you tell us a little about who you are in RL?

Sure, why not? But I don't think I have so many interesting things to say to your readers. I will say what I think is important: I'm a guy that doesn't tolerate lack of truth. I'm too honest, and whoever doesn't act like that with me automatically loses my friendship and confidence. My friends know that I love to chat, the problem is that I chat too much! 😛

6. Would it surprise your RL friends that you are in an elite MU?

No. My size in eRep is very low when compared with MEK. But, at least, it's enough that everybody sees that when I give my attention to the military module, I usually have plenty of success in it. It's marvelous being in my best military moment (3 consecutive days in Top 100 Damage, 1st, 4th and again 1st) while I'm a MEK!

7. What would you like to see MEK do to celebrate the next MEK Day?

Entering and being permanently in the top 10 MU’s of the eWorld. In my opinion, we will reach that! Commander Pisco is working on that, in Military Module as well as in recruiting.

8. What do you think of MEK Commander Pisco Soares?

Look, it’s one thing having a friend in game, another is having a Pisco Soares by your side. An exceptional person, an amazing Commander and a good image of what being a MEK is. I would love if all the good eCitizens could meet this guy, because even just knowing him, they would come to MEK, that would be great too!

9. Do you see yourself ever being commander of MEK?

No, definitively no. Even though I like the idea of being a Captain for my first time not in a Brazilian MU, it’s something very delightful. But Commander, NO. Because my idea is to support Pisco Soares as MEK's eternal Commander.

10. What is the best thing about MEK? And what would you describe as MEK’s mission?

Without a doubt, the people. MEK's union is a fact. And that's only possible with soldiers like those who are MEK, loyal friends and people who love being MEK. Besides the Commander, who fulfills all the requirements of an Elite Commander, that's MEK, an Elite MU.

11. Is there anything else that you think people should know about you?

Don't bother having hostile behaviour towards me, or trying to hit me, because in time I tend to let you talk to the hand, and I even have good laughs about your acts! If I'm not the one to blame... But, never, never forget: "You shall not pass!"

12. Is there a photo or graphic you’d like to use in the article?

At this moment the actual MEK Commander’s avatar is a very good image of MEK!

Pisco’s Avatar

Thanks very much to Saga for his time and enthusiastic answers! Next week, maybe: Voted!