For the Love of Wolf: MEK Passos Coelho Speaks

Day 2,896, 14:34 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout
This is the third in a series of interviews with members of the Mobile Elite Korp- known throughout the eWorld as MEK.

This week, we interview MEK’s founder and former commander, Passos Coelho.

1. How long have you been a MEKie?

Since the beginning, I'm the one who had the idea of "making" MEK, which was started on 11th April 2012.

2. Why did you decide to invent MEK?

I founded MEK with some friends, because I wanted to be in a worldwide elite MU, a different MU who could "turn walls" and win battles.

3. Are you mostly a fighter, or do you also enjoy other parts of the game?

I'm a fighter for a long time now, but I used to be a guy who participated in politics and wrote a lot in my newspaper with some success there too. The game has changed and I only enjoy fighting now.

What positions did you have in politics? Which of those did you like best?

I was a congressman for a long time, and also I was part of the Portuguese cabinet for 11 months straight. I did everything except MoF (I do that in RL, so I guess I don't want any more of my RL in this game).

The era I liked the most in this game was during the govs of Lucifel and Justino, two of the best CP’s I’ve ever known. It was the best time for ePortugal- we even wiped Spain (which was very hard to do at that time).

Passos Coelho's Profile

Do you have a favourite article that you wrote?

I don't have a favorite one, the articles I most liked writing were the ones "inciting" the people to fight and start wars. My opinions had some influence at the time and I knew that, so I used that to try and make some wars so we could all have fun. I don't like playing eRep Farmville style. 😃

Here's a sample of Passos' excellent work:

4. What was the best MEK battle you like to remember, and why?

All MEK days were great, first the battles against Spain, after those battles Spain wanted to include MEK in peace negotiations, which is unusual for an MU.

I also enjoyed the MEK day against the USA (it was easy to free Canada, France and Baja), and FYROM in Australia. We only attacked them because we had too much damage stored so we wanted to get another good fight. We lost, but they had to fight a lot, spend a lot of money, and call all their allies to defeat 1 MU. 😃

5. Will you tell us a little about who you are in RL?

31 year old Portuguese, businessman and entrepreneur, married and 1 kid coming in January 🙂

6. Would it surprise your RL friends that you are in an elite MU?

Some of them know, I always play some online game, but now I'm 2 clicking a lot so not even my wife knows that I play eRep.

They wouldn't find it strange because I always try to be the best in everything I do, and I hate losing.

7. What would you like to see MEK do to celebrate the next MEK Day?

I don't see any good targets now, and secret is always the best "weapon."

8. What do you think of MEK Commander Pisco Soares?

He is a great commander, one of the best we’ve had. The game isn't the same now, people don't play the same hours they used to, so it’s harder to be the commander now. But we still have great results in all MU competitions and we still are an ELITE MU worldwide.

I wouldn't change our commander in the near future, I think Pisco is the right man in the right place.

9. Do you see yourself ever commanding MEK again?

Now I can't be commander because I don't have the time or the will to do it. In this game we never know the future, so I might be commander again but I never was in command more than 1 or 2 months in the past, I don't like to be in command for a long time.

10. What is the best thing about MEK? And what would you describe as MEK’s mission?

The friendships and all the crap we say in our internal messages, I laugh a lot looking at our PMs.

11. Is there anything else that you think people should know about you?

Not really. 😛

I would like to bring back some MEK brothers who left, like Madvieri and Pedrito is dark side.

Thank you for your time and for all that damage, Passos!

Next week: A much newer MEKie...