For the Love of Wolf: A MEK Speaks

Day 2,889, 14:13 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

This is the second in a series of interviews with members of the Mobile Elite Korp- known throughout the eWorld as MEK.

Our second interview is with Div 4 MEK tank, FreeGigi.

1. How long have you been a MEKie, and why did you decide to join MEK?

April 2013 is the date when i was kidnapped by mek assassins Rapaz_avr, Passos Coelho, and Madvieri.

If you were kidnapped by assassins, how is it that you’re still with us?

Stockholm syndrome, ofc.

2. What MU’s were you in before MEK?

In Romania, LR (Legiunea Romana), GDF (Garda de Fier), and VN (Vulturul Negru). In Israel, SM (Sayeret Matkal).

3. Are you mostly a fighter, or do you also enjoy other parts of the game?

I am mostly a troller who used to put his VISA into the game to create fun or for personal beliefs. I fought for what i believe in not who i was ordered to, i believe in forging personal connections rather than having to hit there because you have to.

But now with all the scripts i have no idea where i fight and when i fight, a lot of us are doing the same thing, the game got a bit stale and the alliances too, so there is something lacking to motivate a lot of us.

FreeGigi’s Profile

4. What was the best MEK battle you like to remember, and why?

Oh man apart from MEK Days, the battles we fought as a group for Argie against Chile when those wars were at their highest point, those were the battles where you had fun.

What made them the most fun?

The intensity of the battles and the trolling that took place on the irc.

5. Will you tell us a little about who you are in RL?

I am 25, born in Romania and residing in Italy, got a degree in Foreign Affairs but working in a completely different area of expertise, you don’t get to work where you want it seems, hehe.

6. Would it surprise your RL friends that you are in an elite MU?

All my good friends from RL had a phase of extreme gaming or still do gaming so we kinda tolerate each other.

7. What would you like to see MEK do to celebrate the next MEK Day?

A RL meet would be crazy fun but the logistics are a nightmare, so realistically a big gathering on a voice chat just to have fun and learn a bit more of each other.

8. What do you think of MEK Commander Pisco Soares?

Worst Dicktator ever!

9. Do you see yourself ever being Commander of MEK?

Leading ain’t easy and it’s time consuming, plus Pisco is eternal, so mekies have no such ambitions of leading MEK, that’s a blasphemy.

10. What is the best thing about MEK? And what would you describe as MEK’s mission?

Friendships we got from a virtual game, mek means more than a military unit in eRepublik, it’s a group of friends from all over the world. And i think that’s mek’s mission, to spread unity and friendship worldwide.

11. Is there anything else that you think people should know about you?

YES! I am JackTrout’s multi account and Bogi’s FAG Divison 4 Account under the name FAGIGI.

12. You want to add a photo or a graphic?

FreeGigi’s "bonus sexy pic for the end of the article hahaha"

Thank you for your time and interesting answers, FreeGigi! All endorsements will be donated to MEK.

Coming soon: Another MEK interview.