For A Workingpeeps Cultural Renaissance

Day 4,767, 06:44 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn
The eRepublikan Workingpeeps’ Co-operative Publishing Society
”This too will be swept away.”
Vol. 1, No. 4 Day 4767
The SFP is a far-left anarcho-syndicalist party devoted to developing an in-game social ecology of voluntarism, solidarity, fun and socialist shenanigans that benefit everyone.

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For A Workingpeeps' Cultural Renaissance

Yes, it's another "Vote for me, RF Williams, the authentic but chiller re-incarnation of PQ, for SFP PP / RC Chair on the 15th of December" article! Woot-woot!

Heartfelt promises and whatnot to follow soon below...

But first, let's chew on a few intriguing Quotations from Chairman Ramon and other ancient revolutionary ikons from way-back-when (circa 2009, when e-socialism was a fresh young thing) and, whilst chewing, rest our gaze upon a small collection of refreshingly proletarian works of art which show the use of traditional techniques, new techniques, and the techniques of fleeting public performance...

"We have and can continue to look at the game mechanics of eRepublik through a critical lens and find ways to invent systems to circumvent the hand we have been dealt by the Admin. The Admin created a system that was strongly favorable to capital and the global socialist community said 'Bah! We will figure out a way to ensure that capitalist exploitation is not the only option for our societies!' and the commune system was created." -- Osmany Ramon

"The Socialist Freedom Party works for governmental visibility, and fully supports factions in the current government that push for this." -- Civil Anarchy

"One thing I always had in mind with these openness policies was to bring that information into game where people have access to it without being forced to join forums and find it on their own." -- Osmany Ramon

"Isn't it crazy how well socialism and its variants work in eRep? And is this the biggest unspoken truth in the eUS or what? I'm just saying. It's a naughty word but its easily the best strategy we have. You guys are brave for shouting it out!" -- sydiot

"What's our policy on answering jabs not directed at us but at Socialist doctrines in general?

My normal response is a swift flurry of logical blows designed to cripple and humiliate my opponent, but I can see that this might not be the best considering what I say will reflect on the party." -- Nikolai Veli

"I have yet to see red-baiting have much of an effect. I would assume it is because the general population does not believe socialism to be possible in game and therefore couldn't be a threat to their capitalist system (they are wrong). If you see any red baiting, the best thing to do, I would think is simply ask questions. 'What kinds of policies does Indonesia have that make you say that they are socialist?' Put them into a position to define socialism... and then destroy them...kindly." -- Osmany Ramon

"I acknowledge that Capitalism has advanced society, but Socialism can do it better. Rather than hate, show the love, and show how left politics can do it better." -- Wardo

"Guess the SFP's gonna have to get more radical before it just seems like everybody's doin' it! 😉 " -- Phoenix Quinn

OK. And here's the bit where you can chomp on muh radical proposals....

A Ten Point Program for Revitalizing the e-Life of the Party
by, RF Williams, ur pal and official member of the SFP grumpy old farts brigade

* Gut-rehab the SFP Forum. Set up fresh discussion areas. Bring in some cute graphics. Have an open house. Make sure there is plenty of interest to non-party members. Invite people in. Host art shows, poetry jams, music lessons, and so on.

* Bring back the Radical Labs Department of Applied Critical Thought. Recruit geeks and nerds to the SFP.. Provide easy access to things like... In-game daily tips. Guides to writing articles. Help on use of tools, extensions and API scripts. Analytics useful to the general body of knowledge.

* Simplify and open up the Revolutionary Committee.

* Continue regular outreach to all Party members. Keep asking what we can do better, to make things more fun, to stir things up (in a positive way).

* Extend, deepen, normalize communications with other Parties, both in eUSA and internationally.

* Improve outreach to and support of new players and new Party members, including veteran and returning players.

* Amend and simplify the confusing bits of the SFP Constitution. Post simple, straight-forward guides on the tasks of the Chair, of the RC, and recommendations for member activity.

* Support, promote and encourage similar efforts by non-SFP parties and individuals.

* Encourage and promote the sovereignty of the SFP as a "dynamic turbo charger" of revolutionary sentiments in the game world. Encourage civility and humor, but not servility. Never surrender our autonomy.

* Never expect the SFP to discover the perfect solutions, rather to deliver an appropriately scaled and directed revolt against reflexive conditions.

Looking for an interesting alternative? Fix your gaze upon the mighty, mighty SFP!

The Revolution Needs You!!

Take a deep breath and plunge into the refreshing icy cold waters of socialist freedom!

Join up today, conrads!!