eWorld Anime Awards 2013 (Voting)

Day 2,306, 07:37 Published in Japan Japan by Nanashi Senshi

Voting still continues, so if you haven't already voted, what are you waiting for.....go and vote for your favorites.

You can vote in 2 ways. First one is voting directly on forum, futher in this text you will see how and where. Don't forget to write down the names of the candidates you voted for in the comment in forum topics.
The second way is voting via PM, just send me a PM with the tittle of the category and the names candidates you are voting for. Both domestic and foreign players can vote in these event, just follow the rules.
Nominated candidates:
Anime series of the year

Forum topic for nominations: click here.
Anime movie of the year

Forum topic for nominations: click here.
Anime female character of the year

Forum topic for nominations: click here.
Anime male character of the year

Forum topic for nominations: click here.
Anime song of the year
1) Guren no Yumiya - Shingeki no Kyojin
Youtube link: http://youtu.be/8jTHfdgCiDU
2) A Town Where You Live - Kimi no Iru Machi
Youtube link: http://youtu.be/A9IW_ZAhR3s
3) Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui - Watamote
Youtube link: http://youtu.be/uhiagjZS_So
4) Hello Especially - Gin No Saji
Youtube link: http://youtu.be/CXFjkdvUQ1c
5) White Album - White Album and White Album 2
Youtube link: http://youtu.be/xn95NYdMzyM
6) Rain - Kotonoha no Niwa
Youtube link: http://youtu.be/Z3m0GMGpY3o
7) Aria - Berserk: Ougon Jidaihen III - Kourin
Youtube link: http://youtu.be/IrOliVhbBo8
8 ) Kyoukai no Kanata - Kyoukai no Kanata
Youtube link: http://youtu.be/NqxJ191ecPQ

Forum topic for nominations: click here.

For those who may be interested in it, here you can see the winners of the last year eJapan Anime Awards event.
Rewards for voters:

First 10 voters who vote directly on forum or via PM in at least three separate events (of total 5 anime events) will get 5 Q7 weapons for free.