Dear admins: the headless chicken is outdated

Day 971, 05:11 Published in Hungary Hungary by clawy

Dear admins,

i know you are very busy playing around with your futuristic helmets and designing wallpapers. All this while some people are bugging you with collateral things like Serbia not being able to donate the gold in their treasury (they need to learn to let go) or companies not being able to put job offers up (really, who works in weekends anyhow).

Also there are a lot of complaints about the headless chicken. People might say that the real complains are about the bugs, but let's be honest, who doesn't want to see a mutilated animal when trying to do something boring like defending their last region?
I think the real problem is that people got bored of the chicken itself. So i came up with a few ideas to replace (or better said improve) this great part of the game:

1. The headless cock
What owns a chicken more then anything else? Yes, the cock. The majority of the users are male anyhow, and can identify themselves better with it then with the feminine chikcken. And the headless part keeps the nostalgia alive.

2. The three legged dog
Nothing screams "we just lost our high iron region, but look at that poor thing" like this critter. Nobody can be mad when looking at it.

3. The toothless beaver
This raises so many questions:
- how does it build dams?
- do other beavers mock him?
- did it ever go to a dentist?
Definitely a good choice.

4. The naked cat
Well, i didn't find a cartoon version of this, but the picture says a thousand words.
Also, i have a neat 18+ nickname for this one.

5. The hornless unicorn
Well, i think this one is the winner. It incorporates advantages from the previous ones, like being cute and also raising questions (is this really an unicorn, or just a horse with a bandage).

Hope i could help a little, not just nag around like all the other people. No mater what, i still love you.

Kind regards,