contra-oferta wellness - eUtilitati (bilingual offer)

Day 293, 14:21 Published in Romania Romania by eliberator

"Nu dati banii pe prostii, luati wellness pentru copii!"

Sper ca articolele despre wellness sa fie citite de cat mai multi utilizatori. Si astfel sa fie f.f.atenti cand isi dau banii pe schimb de gifts 😉.

Cu ajutorul unuia dintre asociati, am reusit sa punem la punct logistica necesara astfel incat sa avem preturile cele mai mici la wellness. (o reducere de aproximativ 20% fata de ceea ce este pe piata de Gifts)
Oferta promotionala pentru eUtilitati: 2.4 RON pt 2 puncte de wellness.
Dati subscribe pentru a primi ofertele promotionale ale eUtilitati.
Cititi prezentarea companiei si lasati un comment în caz ca vi se pare interesant. Voturile si ele sunt foarte bine venite!

Cititi articolul [a url=]eUtil eRomania[/a]

Si articolul [a url=]Wellness shop - o viata fara griji[/a]

Un tutorial care sper sa fie promovat de patroni, membrii ai congresului, presedinte si alti eCetateni pentru a intelege cateva avantaje ale unei case gasiti [a url=]aici[/a]

"Stop spending on nonsense, buy yourself some wellness!"

I hope that articles on wellness to be read by as many users. And so to think twice when they pay for gifts 😉.

With one of the associates, we managed to put up the necessary logistics so that we have the lowest prices on wellness. (a reduction of approximately 20% compared to what is the market Gifts)
Promotional offer for eUtilitati: RON 2.4 for 2 wellness points .
Give subscribe to receive promotional offers of eUtilitati (utilities services).
Read the presentation of the company and leave a comment in that case you might find interesting. The votes and they are very well coming!

[for the moment only Romanian version, will help you understand the articles]
Read the article [a url=] eUtil eRomania [/a]

And the article [a url=] Wellness shop - a life without worries [/a]

A tutorial which I hope will be promoted by employers, members of Congress, the president and other eCetateni to understand some of the advantages of a house found [a url=] here [/a]