Coalition of the willing

Day 864, 05:02 Published in Hungary Hungary by clawy

Only English on this one.

So it is finally happening: the USA is leaving EDEN. An alliance it has joined after it's members have thrown everything but the kitchen sink in help for her. An alliance it was ultimately in because PEACE reached the USA before Romania driven Atlantis could (for those saying this is propaganda, former Romanian officials, including a president have confirmed that this invasion plan existed). So something full of contrast all along the way.
A lucky guess is that it will take Canada and Australia with itself, and with the glorious nations of Japan, Ireland and as potential members the Philippines, Malaysia, China, India, South Africa it will form an alliance with the possibly the worse name in the eWorld.

Now let's see what those nations can bring it. Some of them, well not really much. They don't have a strong military, they don't have many active citizens, some of them don't even have the potential of a baby boom. But they do have one thing that a Croatia or a Romania doesn't have: a dependency on a stronger country, a role the USA is more than happy to fill out .
Current EDEN countries are in their wast majority stronger then the USA. They have better mobile troops, better population damage, strong leaders. The problem is that they also have a voice. If they get humiliated, left alone in important battles they will speak up. Does anybody see Japan or Ireland do this? Hell, it already happened to Ireland, and they didn't squeak at all. Japan, full of RL Americans, said thank you when they were attacked the last time.

There is however a second aspect, resources. Many of them in Asia. Or are there really so many?
Well, first of there are the Russian regions. Conquering those would set a time-bomb off. Russia has made a baby boom while 2 of those regions were under control of allied countries, what would happen if enemy figures from RL (like the USA or Poland) would hold them? Attacking Russia, a bad idea.
Then there are 3 high iron regions. 2 in China, 1 in India. Now China would surely want one of those back, and India might not be happy to "rent" out it's own iron region forever. So 1 iron region to gain remains.
Iran and Indonesia have some oil regions, but let's face it, oil is worthless at the moment. Nobody would cross half of the world for it.
And then there are the diamonds. Australia has 2, both of them bordering Indonesia (not a safe zone to hold them). South Africa has 3, 2 of which are safe from direct South American attack. So let's say there are 3 regions to pass around. But diamonds are really costly because so few people have them. If you give them to 3 big countries, the price will plump, making the worthless. The same rumors that circulated about the reasons why Poland has not received any American support when attacking the North of Brazil.
Anybody still wonder why Americans made "mistakes" every time Croatia could come close to exit into Western Europe and would require passage into Asia?

Furthermore, are the countries in case (Australia, China especially, i have no doubt about South Africa) ready to give out their duplicate resources? Now many will scream "yes, we are bros!".
Ok, let's look at one of the bros: Canada, a country with 7 high wood regions. With, at one point, easy access to many of it's European allies to them.
Where did Poland and Spain have to get their high wood instead? Attacking France, member of an alliance with ex-PEACE members who had very bad relations with Phoenix. Made of countries who have fought against Phoenix many times in the weeks prior to the attack. Now the 2 are cooperating very strongly. All in all, while attacking Germany meant an all-out victory for EDEN, attacking France meant a diplomatic defeat, and a big one. All for 2 wood regions, which they could have obtained so much easier. Not to mention that Sweden also had the chance at one point to cross the Atlantic.
So to sum it up: Canada would not share one of 7 high wood regions or one of the 2 diamond regions, the USA wouldn't share one of the 6 high oil regions it has (even though they are not worth much) or one of the 2 wood regions, but China, India, Australia and South Africa would be happy to pass around their regions? REALLY? Is still anybody wondering why Croatia is not in Asia? Why Romania isn't? And don't forget Poland.

Well, it's all a song of the past now. The USA has left with the promise of close cooperation with it's former allies. They have already started the steps in that close cooperation, by signing a peace treaty with Columbia, one of the gateways EDEN could have used to go into resource rich South America. Leaving EDEN to fight for the 2 wood regions and the grain regions it can conquer in Europe. Or for said Canadian regions if that country remains in the alliance.

I am at this point ready to put a bet down with the first person willing to do this. Not for money (let's make it only a symbolic 1 USD), just for the point of it: before the 31th of August, the USA will be attacked by at least one current Phoenix member, and at least one current EDEN member. And i don't mean territory swaps 😉