Changes to the Congress Elections - A reason to j oin smaller parties.

Day 1,766, 12:35 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

As most of you will be aware "Starting with the Congress elections of September 25, 2012, the citizens will vote for a Party instead of voting a citizen from a specific party."

I feel this is a real reason to join a smaller party, if your ambition is to become a member of Parliament(Congress). This isn't an article for you if you're happy working in the background of a party with no ambition towards reaching Parliament for the first time or again or if you're part of the leadership or upper echelons of a "Top 5" party with a almost a certain place in Parliament.

The reason to join a smaller party is because there are about 900 eUK citizens members of a political party. Most of these are spread amongst 5/6 "Big Parties" with membership between 270 to 60.

Congress elections get around 400 to 500 votes.

Under the new system realistically a party isn't going to get anymore than 15 seats in congress and most likely less.

Therefore if you're in a party with 270 members you only stand a 14% or less, or with a party of 160 members a 25% or less chance of obtaining a seat in Parliament(Congress). This is assuming your party gets the whole 40 seats therefore the odds in reality will be significantly less.

So unless you're "in" with the party leadership you chances of getting in are slim. In the past you could put yourself forward, present your case and let the public decide, of course it was better if you had your party leader's support however not essential.

However imagine if we had 9 or 10 parties in the eUK with around 100 members each, you'd have around a 40% although admittedly probably slightly less chance of obtaining a seat in Parliament(Congress).

I know only the "Top 5 at the time" parties would be able to field candidates however there is a benefit to this, as 9 or 10 equally sized parties competing for a "Top 5" place would stimulate debate and eUK politics. This would benefit the average citizens.

"We don't need to always keep the same Top 5" and New Era have proven the eUK population have a taste for change.

So why not join a smaller party? Of course I'm slightly biased in my views as I'm in a smaller party. That party is the Workers' Rights Party.

We are dedicated to ensuring equality and enhancing society for all eUK citizens. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

This is quite a change to how politics have happened in the eUK recently, however let's start the revolution. You can start by joining the WRP, if you'd like what we stand for.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Former Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Captain 3rd Regiment of the Liberty Military Unit