Awards and Recognitions

Day 3,797, 20:43 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

FUPQ Awards and Recognition

Three Cheers for All the Anti-Fascists!!

Having concluded the full course of 20 lectures, including several translated into Spanish, I am thrilled to announce that the graduating class of the Free University of Phoenix Quinn's "Combat Tyranny" series included almost 100 students.


A few citizens of the e-zone stopped by the University classroom only to sell weed or balloons or something. Didn't count them as participants. Whatever.


Four students flunked out. They'll receive no recognition here. For 3 of them, their only contributions were noisome without content, grubby-smelly piffle or that unappetizing snarky-without-humor kind of trolling.

In one case, an icky-troll did finally contribute one mindful comment. But it was was more than outbalanced by multiple squalid ones, so... no soup for you.

Honorable Suffra-go-getters of the Common Wealth

The following students dropped a good word at at least one lecture, or were kind of enough to endorse one of Professor Williams' presentations.

Honor Awarded: Let it be known, due to a demonstrated interest in combatting tyranny, the following brothers and sisters are awarded the honor of being addressed at all times with the title of "Ci." (for Citizen or ciudadano, in recognition of their commitment to participation in a free and just municipality.

Ci. Bane Pozarevac
Ci. Based Commie Crusher
Ci. Bunfas
Ci. CreZooM
Ci. Dolton
Ci. el_enzoo
Ci. Elresavato
Ci. Euea
Ci. FCBoca
Ci. Feynmann
Ci. Foxi Roxi
Ci. gggeeeooo
Ci. Gnilraps
Ci. Harcourt Fenton Mudd
Ci. Hyoudo Issei
Ci. J A V I E R
Ci. Jean Pierre Sanchez
Ci. Joam02
Ci. krispo
Ci. la T cor2
Ci. lord milya
Ci. Malpazar
Ci. marcosmz
Ci. nadya78
Ci. Phaemus
Ci. pierrelsombre
Ci. RedWarriorII
Ci. Rican
Ci. RobertGuajardo
Ci. Rosenrotten
Ci. S.Baileys
Ci. Sarronco
Ci. Saru944
Ci. tef1
Ci. The bad ass of erepub
Ci. TheTrendoReborn
Ci. vinaconcPolefirst
Ci. Waffenmeister
Ci. Zek Punga

Congratulations Citizens!

Comrades Eagerly Abrogating Tiresome Totalitarians

The following students contributed comments to a handful of sessions, or dropped a particularly plugged-in or waggish bon mot once, or donated a few dimes-worth of RFW's fav snacks -- yummy endorse-a-mints -- to the Free University's Free Breakfast for Noobs program.

Honor Awarded: Let the word go out, having exhibited warmhearted symptathy for brushing-off despotism, the following animated e-avatars are awarded the honor of being addressed at all times with the title of "Cmr." (for Comrade or camarada), acknowledging their social engagement in the abolition of bad times.

Cmr. ailux
Cmr. AngryKafsha84
Cmr. Coyolxauhqui V
Cmr. crvnazvezda
Cmr. CultoSnm
Cmr. Dillon Richards
Cmr. Elias07
Cmr. Fruto crack.
Cmr. galadrael
Cmr. George Armstrong Custer
Cmr. Goxi HN
Cmr. iamsmok
Cmr. jamesw
Cmr. joe jackson
Cmr. Johnny Cooper Edwards II
Cmr. Juanito Karraskilla
Cmr. Leandro4226
Cmr. macros77
Cmr. Maximillian Payne
Cmr. Mister Y
Cmr. MrBadDecisions
Cmr. Ok Kulli
Cmr. Stenka Razin
Cmr. totolin
Cmr. warriord5

Good going Comrades!

Wise Grinders of the Great Cause of Redemptive Liberty

The following students either donated a boat load of endorse-a-mints, or dropped a good word on multiple lessons, or in several cases exhibited flashes of critical thinking that makes a girl go "Hummmm chum, dang! I actually learned something from that!"

Honor Awarded: Let all the eRepublikans be aware, that having proven a capacity for rumbling with oligarchy, the following perceptive sharpies are awarded the honor of appending the honorific "WkWk." after their names (for "woke worker", but pronounced in the universal vernacular as "waka-waka") .

aimeisan, WkWk.
Azarashh, WkWk.
BirdZerk, WkWk.
eUruguayo2, WkWk.
hoss1965, WkWk.
Jd Jack Serenade, WkWk.
Nuzz Nuzz, WkWk.
PimpDollaz, WkWk.
WayneKerr, WkWk.

Stay woke, workers!

Extraordinary Advocates of Erudite Fair Play

The following students attended multiple lectures, left a good number of snacks for the feeding of the fame-hungry free-socialist peeps, got involved in multiple conversations on the topic of fighting tyranny, and in several cases (notably: Komeko, twice) left thoughtful critiques that went well beyond the surface of things.

The inclusion of a litigious character named Rosa Violet Carson (known by multiple epithets) in this category may surprise some. But after a careful accounting, it was clear to the Powers-That-Make-Up-These-Things that the many mephitic fatuities barfed up by Violet Carson during the lecture series were equally balanced by a very active record of participation and one reasonably thoughtful contribution.

Honor Awarded: Hear yiz, hear yiz, let all draw near and be made aware that, having expostulated against, pittifogged in protest to, squabbled with, more or less effectively altercated and in general socked it to the forces of absolutism, the following citizen-comrades are entitled to append, according to their free wishes, the honorific "Con.Ed." after their names, indicating recognition of thier role as a honored Conrad of Education.

Carlos3652, Con.Ed.
Dariuswolff, Con.Ed.
Franklin Stone, Con.Ed.
Iamnameless, Con.Ed.
JoseT25 Old ER, Con.Ed.
Komeko, Con.Ed.
Monster Grinder, Con.Ed.
Rosa Violet Carson/Val Thor/etc/etc, Con.Ed.
shiloh13, Con.Ed.

Keep on expounding your truth, brave Conrads!

The Commendable Honor Role of the Laudable Righteous

The following students exhibited an above-average felicity for anti-fascism. This was reflected in their many endorse-a-mints and in-class comments, a clear-headed mindfulness of engagement with other students that tended to lift the discussions to a better place (kudos especially to Ilene Dover in this regard), and, not least, a sense of humor -- which may be when all is said and done the best antitode of all to tyrannical shenanigans.

Honor Awarded: Gather near and hear these words of solace. There are amongst us some singular tribunes of thoughtfulness and good cheer. These women and men carry the spark of freedom with them wherever they travel. Their geniality livens the hearts and heartens the lives of e-beings far and wide. Let them be honored with the privilege of being known as the Righteous Among the e-Nations denoted with appendix -raen, or colloquially, as "the righteous rainmakers".

Ilene Dover-raen
Leon Gutierrez-raen
rainy sunday-raen

May you continue to ride righteously along the freedom road!

Internacionalistas extraordinarios y eruditos espléndidos

I won't bother trying to say this in Castillian, because I would no doubt butcher it. These 3 students have been publishing and discussing translated versions of the lectures in the Argentine press.

These friends and comrades have brought to life in a lively way the lesson on "Learn From Friends in Other Countries". Their considerate contributions provide good evidence that, while we may enjoy waging fake war on each other in eRepublik from time to time, the great spirit of anti-authoritarianism binds us together.

A special thank you to Elle Lawliet, who has been doing the bulk of the translation work.

Honor Awarded: Let the word go out in all the languages and dialects of all the nations and tribes, that, due not only to their diligence in sharing the lessons of combatting tyranny, but also to their effervescent keenness for liberty and democracy, we may all recognize these players by the appended honorific "e.i." (erudito/a internacionalista -- internationalist scholar).

Elle Lawliet, e.i.
gustavo35, e.i.
Pablo David Costa, e.i.

Stand up, all victims of oppression
For the tyrants fear your might
Don't cling so hard to your possessions
For you have nothing, if you have no rights
Let racist ignorance be ended
For respect makes the empires fall
Freedom is merely privilege extended
Unless enjoyed by one and all

Doctors of Good Will

The following students showed the highest enthusiasm for and most diligent participation in the FUPQ series on "Combatting Tyranny".

Thanks especially to Niemand, MaryamQ and LifesaverM. They, along with the others mentioned here, contributed consistently, week after week, numerous sensible, respectful, conversant and tuned-in observations as well as some very trenchant and discerning analyses regarding the intersections between eRepublikan concerns with despotism and the more weighty consequences of tendencies towards tyranny outside of our game world.

Honor Awarded: Let it be known that the Free University of Phoenix Quinn recognizes the following individuals as having completed the course on Combatting Tyranny with highest honors and hereby grants them a Doctorate in good will hunting, signified by the appended title of "M.B.V" (medicus bonae voluntatis -- Doctor of Good Will).

Jimmy Cincinnati, M.B.V
LifesaverM, M.B.V
MaryamQ, M.B.V
Maxwell Hanz, M.B.V
Niemand, M.B.V
Perry Rhodan, M.B.V

Make eye contact, my friends. Keep believing in and living in truth. Be kind to our languages. Get off the sofa and contribute to a good cause. Be a patriot with universal values, not a nationalist lacking in ethics.

Thanks for playing,