Aus CP Update 5: MPP with Montenegro

Day 2,976, 17:50 Published in Montenegro Australia by JackTrout

(published verbatim as in eAustralia, only in my newspaper because I can't figure out how to pay the gold to the CP newspaper)

How to explain the story of the Montenegro-Australia MPP request to you without breaking my personal rule of screen shots, which is Don’t Use Them…?

I believe I have the right to copy and paste my own words, and I believe you can derive the rest of the story from them. So minus NBaki’s words, and with a couple of country names x’d out, here is our only conversation, start to finish.

JackTrout to NBaki | 22 hours ago

Mate- that is possibly the easiest request of the day- but I can't promise it just now. I'll have to get back to you.

Why is the timing so critical?


JackTrout to NBaki | 11 hours ago

WHY IS THE TIMING SO CRITICAL? I need some information if you expect me to get this passed in congress. They will not automatically accept it because it really won't fit in our current budget. Without a reason, no one will offer private funding.

JackTrout to NBaki | 11 hours ago

Sorry, I'm a little stupid atm as it's 4 a.m. here and I haven't had coffee yet. Which territories are we discussing?

JackTrout to NBaki | 10 hours ago

NBaki, you know we value our friends and we will support you as much as possible. Right now our budget is already tight, and we have to consider the possibility that we will want to reinstall a dictator here in 8 days’ time, which already will require private funding.

I will be happy to remain loyal to our allies, and to shout for your campaigns, and I will certainly be on those battlefields myself. But at this time, I cannot recommend to congress that they approve this MPP. Of course their votes will make the final decision.

I hope you understand our position.

JackTrout to NBaki | 7 hours ago

That could be helpful- but cc is not the only consideration. How much help have you lined up? XXXXX and possibly XXXXX- that's pretty ambitious.

What are the reasons for the campaign? I am all for having fun, but I'd prefer to avoid e-suicide, and Aus does not want to be known as a country that is aggressive for no good reason.

To be honest, you are not our only friend and ally asking for help against someone much bigger- and you both have made the request rather abruptly. I can't openly support campaigns that could be so costly to my country, without very good reason and time to consider it.

More information would be good, thanks.

JackTrout to NBaki | 7 hours ago

No, I can't make that guarantee. Congress must vote to approve the MPP.

JackTrout to NBaki | 7 hours ago

But this is not a TW? It has not been discussed with the targets?

JackTrout to NBaki | 7 hours ago

NBaki, I think it is unrealistic to think Aus will NOT be blamed and/or considered aggressive, if we go attacking a country who has not troubled us and with whom we neither have nor want problems. The AS on XXXXX has not been forgotten...

We've just had a revolution and we need to consider making a coup on ourselves in a few more days, so we aren't that starving for fun, even though we're just fighting ourselves. 🙂

I'm sorry but for now, what you suggest is too risky. We can certainly set up something in future- although we may have to work around your XXXXX MPP. But I'm sure we can work something out sometime.

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Hope this helps clear things up. Questions? Peoples, any time you want information, ask. There may be things I can’t tell you, but I rarely bite anyone’s head off for asking.

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