ADP Update Nov 2015

Day 2,908, 08:22 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

Hey all you sexy ADP peoples! Time for an update…

TL/DR: Congratz, Rusty. Eye candy is at the end. 😛

First and foremost: The ADP congratulates our new CP, Rusty D. It is no easy task being CP, and the ADP will work with our new gov for a better eAustralia. Yep, that includes speaking up and asking the hard questions in congress. 😉

Great to see such a high political activity level- I think I have not seen more than 3 CP candidates in one race before in my e-life. Awesome work by all the candidates- gbr, you know we love ya!

If you’ve been keeping up with the party thread, you know there has been a lot of discussion around the TankBank and what we can do to help there. Ilene Dover assures me that it will be back up and running in no time. She would like someone to step up and assist with this valuable initiative that helps new players upgrade their TG’s. PM her if you are interested in helping out!

What else is happening:

Don’t miss out on WachaGonnaDu’s writing comp! Gold prizes, all may enter.

Details here:

My post about new party titles languishes in the forum… Feel free to post a comment here:

Mongoosier the Lurking Menace awaits your PM, it you are a new player who hasn’t joined the JDS to get some gold!

That’s all for now- Read the news, get the free stuff, enter the comps, eat/fight/work/play hard! And thanks for voting.
