Address To The Country

Day 3,214, 07:25 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

Greetings Israel. As you all know Israel is in a bad situation. Italty has much of our land and our community is dead. I cannot make a lot of promises because i will need each and everyone of your help.

As of right now the little bit of community we do have exchanges messages amongst ourselves in private messages. When i was president before Jascha Stark introduced discord server to everyone. Some checked it out. However not many kept using it. I would like to try to go back to our old medium IRC. Due to security issues with the old IRC room i would like to introduce the new room for #eIsrael 6667 #eIsrael

If you do not have an IRC client the room can be easily accessed here

Also I would like to reintroduce joint strikes I need a Minister of Defense for this, also a Minister of Foreign Affairs is needed. If anyone is interested please contact me ASAP.


Filthy McNasty