[WRP] Why we support Richard Feist?

Day 1,811, 07:26 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George
Talon Karrde's Stewardship

While it might seem strange for a pro-Richard Feist article, this article will begin with a little bit of praise for the eUK’s current CP and Richard’s main competitor in this month’s CP elections, Talon Karrde. Fundamentally he has had a fairly successful term, he has accomplished most of what he promised to do.

In my opinion;

The eUK been relatively stable, things generally haven’t gotten worse
Talon Karrde and his team has been active in the in-game media
Carlini8 and Talon Karrde has overseen the building a large reserve of capital
The eUK has maintain our good relationships with our close allies
The eUK hasn't been threaten or wiped by foreign invaders

If elected again I’m sure Talon Karrde would once again be a safe if a little unremarkable steward of the country however I’m not sure the eUK would be better off in the long run.

Where Richard Feist and his team can improve the eUK

In my opinion;

Richard Feist is a bright young active candidate with an ambitious team around him. In Talon Karrde’s own words “Youth First” “The single most important issue in the coming month is in developing our young players. In providing opportunities for them to get onto the ladder, and in equipping them to take on the challenges the UK will face in the coming months and years. Us older guys can’t and shouldn't hold onto power anyway”

So why not let Richard Feist, this young, respectable and dependable eUK citizen take on the responsibility of being CP and in his own words “bring a breath of fresh air to the position of CP” and “develop all areas of the government for the better and aim to bring all members of the UK together to work for a greater country.” With this approach I believe younger players would remain active and in the eUK for longer.

A key aspect I see Talon Karrde and Richard Feist differ on is that Richard has the potential to be a tremendously strong military leader; he is ambitious to create more opportunities for training wars. This approach would enable our citizenship to get stronger and obtain True Patriot medals. They then can use the gold gained from these to be spend in training ground and thus the citizenship of the eUK gets stronger strengthening the eUK and allowing us to be a more beneficial ally.

Additionally while the eUK been relatively stable, things generally haven’t gotten much better, wages and weapon and food prices still remain low. More training wars would improve the eUK's economy and as much as some of us rally against the “war module”, it’s a vital part that needs to be used to greater affect.

Finally the eUK has become a divided nation, I believe Richard’s fresh approach to how the country is run would unite the eUK once again, allow more eUK citizens to have a say in how the country is run and improve our standing on the world scene.

Your choice is a simple one between Talon Karrde and Richard Feist, Talon an experience candidate who will perform exactly as expected slightly unremarkable however govern the eUK well and keep it stable or Richard, a bright, fresh young candidate with no “training to keep the status quo”, adventurous and daring with the ability to lead and govern well at the same time increasing the eUK's prosperity and power.

Please consider voting for Richard Feist for your next eUK Country President.

About the author

I've always lived in the eUK since the day I was born Feb 25, 2009, fighting side by side all those who stay through good times and bad, keeping up with the political climate of this country, offering my views and opinions.

The Daily eWorker will tell you all you need to know about my views over the years as I frequently publish articles.

I'm Vice President of the W o r k e r s' Rights Party is my heart, We might be small however every member I count a friend. I'd encourage any reader to join. More information about the WRP can be found here

I'm the commander of the Free British Irregulars, I'd also encouraging any reader to enlist. More information about the MU can be found here.

I have friends across the political spectrum, I consider myself naturally initially neutral and open to all polices and efforts to improve the eUK from any party or individual. This election I've been impressed by Richard Feist hence this article of support.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit