[WRP] - New...why not learn about the W orkers' Rights Party.

Day 1,876, 11:25 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George
New to the new world and want to get involved in party politics?
even if you are not new and now have decided to join a political party...

Why not learn a little more about the

We want as many citizens as possible to have a say in how the country is run. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

Meet the Party

The Party President, myheadstone.

In the WRP the Party President decides overall party strategy, maintains and enhances the party's reputation, encourages recruitment, decides party policy and gives new party members help and guidance. They also keep informed regarding the political situation of the eUK including any foreign politics which may affect the eUK.

The Vice President, Huey George

In the WRP the Vice President supports the Party President in deciding overall party strategy, maintaining and enhancing the party's reputation, encouraging recruitment, deciding party policy and providing help and guidance to new party members. They also help keep the Party President informed regarding the political situation of the eUK including any foreign politics which may affect the eUK.

The Secretary General, Warmaster Horus Lupercal

In the WRP supports the Party President in our recruitment policy and advice on the general morale and spirit of the party. An independent check that the Party President and Vice President are keeping our members happy

Spokesman, FightAndProduce

In the WRP the Spokesman supports the Party President in representing the party via the media to let the citizens of the eUK know what the party stands and the party's views on the state of the eUK. They would also support the Party President and Vice President in maintaining and enhancing the party's reputation.

Councillor, currently the Party President myheadstone fulfills the role until a suitable candidate presents themselves.

In the WRP, the Councillor supports the party president in deciding the policy which guides of the party and keeping the PP informed regarding the current political climate of the eUK.

Party members, Chaos Reaper, Asid250, Astrid Fairweather, Steven25962, Septimus Morgan, Lewis Scott and Alternativa10

In the WRP, all strategy and policies are discussed with the party members and decided by the majority. Existing party members also guide and advise new party members, we've got a great, helpful and friendly party community.

The "Leadership" of the party is truly in the looses of terms as every party members views and opinions are valued and respected. The WRP, also respects our "silent majority" our group who do not express their opinions publicly however still have made the choice to join us based on our shared ideals.

Party Achievements and Goals

Some of our achievements
- We been represented in Congress(Parliament)
- We currently have one member of Congress(Parliament)
- We are a well respected party and have good working partnerships with most of the other political parties of the UK.
- Our views and opinions have influenced and informed Government and helped elect Country Presidents and improved the society of the UK.
- Party newspapers The Workers Voice and The Daily eWorker are respected newspapers.
- The Daily eWorker includes the successful series of "A view from Parliament" articles, which inspired a trend from members of Congress(Parliament) to be more open and transparent allowing the public a better understanding of the inner workings of Congress(Parliament)

Some of our goals
- Improved the economy of the eUK leading to higher wages for all and better prices for goods.
- Continue supporting the publication of in-game media/newspapers which has become more active and inclusive
- Improve in-game media/newspapers so it becomes a better forum for debate, using it for wider consultation and referendum to form policy.
- Ensure all UK citizens have a fair chance to voice their opinions and are respected
- Ensure the eUK remains a fun and inclusive society
- Continue to be respectful and co-operative with all political parties in the UK

If you like what you've read please consider joining us here at the Workers' Rights Party

For those who've made it to the end (and maybe aren't new to the world or looking to join a party) here is a little game complete the sentence below...

"The Workers' Rights Party represents................................................to me

Prizes for the most poignant and thought-provoking sentences...I'll even give a couple of prizes for any humorous sentences although please be respectful \o/.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs