[WRP] - Growing Stronger

Day 1,772, 07:08 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George
The people have voted.

The Election

Unfortunately the ESO and WRP didn’t attract enough votes for myself to take a position in Parliament.

However I’d like to congratulate all the candidates from the ESO, PCP, New Era, UKPP, TUP and UKRP which have retained seats or become members of parliament. Good luck and all the best in the coming month.

I’d like to thank Rodney Mckay and the Every Single One Party again for giving me a place in their official candidate list and all the kind support I received during my stay in the party.

I’d also like to thank my fellow Workers’ Rights party members for their constant support especially Chaos Reaper, myheadstone and AlottaFuntz.

Thanks also to everybody who offered my campaign kind words and good luck.

Finally and maybe most importantly, thank you to everybody who voted the joint ticket of the ESO/WRP.

What’s next?

The Workers’ Right Party can only grow stronger and I'd like to invite you to join us and help make it happen.

What we stand for

We want to make sure the eUK is full of dedicated active and well-informed citizens supported by their government.

We would like to see the government boost the economy with some spend in the private sector.

Wages need to be stabilized and increased to levels which will better fuel the economy.

We need clear and transparent government spend to justify what taxes are taken

Finally there needs to be more communication via the media module to support the above points. The eUK needs a content public, which works together with government strategies domestic or foreign and fully understands them.

Support to new WRP members

Life in the eUK can be tough at times as a party we can offer new party members.
- Grants to buy Iron Mines, Oil Rigs and Fruit Orchards
- Fair daily wages (25% above the national top offers, guaranteed for life)
- Supplies of Food Raw Materials and Weapon Raw Materials
- Supplies of Weapons and Food
- Senior party position in the Leadership Council
- Fun, creative and relaxed atmosphere

So join the Workers' Rights Party today to help create a fair, transparent, strong and economically stable eUK.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Former Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Captain 3rd Regiment of the Liberty Military Unit