[WRP & UKPP] W orkers' Rights to Progression

Day 1,860, 22:20 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

Congress elections are soon. If you not already in a top 5 party you have an important choice on which party to vote for and your vote could make a difference in which party obtains the most members of Parliament/Congress members

In support of the UKPP

This election the Workers’ Rights Party has proudly decided to support the UKPP. This is because members of the UKPP party have been at the forefront of the progressive polices driving the UK forward and improving our reputation in the eWorld.

Another reason for the Workers; Rights Party to support UKPP, is Sir Nick Griffin as well as the other fine members of UKPP have kindly agreed to let myself run with them for a congress spot as a Workers’ Rights Party member. Which is very forward thinking, inclusive and shows a willing spirit to cross party co-operation.

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What would I bring to Congress/Parliament?

I'm a one-time Congress(Parliament) Member.
My track record is documented in my "A view from Parliament" Series

Here are them all;
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Article 8

I’m a dedicated active and well-informed citizen.

I believe and trust the people, I will continue to consult widely to give the eUK citizenship the ability to offer their opinions on any proposed votes on laws which decide the policy of the eUK. This is so I can vote according to the will of my electorate.

I will continue to be your voice to government; I will also continue to consider putting forward any laws proposals suggested by my constituents and the wider eUK citizenship.

I will ensure I continue to consult and liaise with other MPs and the PM, to ensure I remain fully up to date with the political atmosphere of the eUK and that parliament work together for the benefit of the eUK

My door (message inbox) will always be open for all my constituents. I’m always happy to advise and help where I can.

Fundamentally, I will continue to be very communicative via the media module, something I feel is important to increasing the population of the eUK. An active media creates a well informed, content public, which works together with government strategies domestic or foreign.

About Me
I've always lived in the eUK since the day I was born Feb 25, 2009 fighting side by side all those who stay through good times and bad, keeping up with the political climate of this country, offering my views and opinions.

I have 44 hard worker achievement medals - What does this say about me? It says I'm here daily and I will continue to be as your Member of Parliament (Congress Member).

The Daily eWorker will tell you all you need to know about my views over the years as I frequently publish articles. I will continue to do so if elected.

The W o r k e r s' Rights Party, My heart We might be small however every member I count a friend and I know I'll be able to rely on them for support as much as any congress member from the more populated parties.

I have friends across the political spectrum, I consider myself naturally initially neutral and open to all polices and efforts to improve the eUK from any party or individual.

I hope you’ll consider voting for UKPP to support my bid for Congress/Parliament. My aim will continue to be a Member of Parliament (Congress Member) that you’ll remember and not just make up the numbers. The eUK will also greatly benefit with more fine members of the UKPP in Congress(Parliament)

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs

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