[WRP] - A view from Parliament - Issue 4

Day 1,841, 10:23 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George


Here is the latest issue of “A view from Parliament”, this article will discuss two law proposals to enable you as my constituents to guide and inform my vote. Provide an update for you on one finished law proposal mention in issue 3. I’ll also briefly mention the upcoming Country President (Prime Minister) elections.

Law proposals

The two law proposals currently outstanding are;

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Slovakia.

I plan to vote YES in the next few hours, This is because although ranked 60th Slovakia has been a supportive ally and our existing MPP has allowed our citizens opportunities at times to fight in Slovakian wars to gain experience whilst supporting allies and improving our new world reputation.

Currently the vote stands (09.36 Day 1,841 of the New World);
27 YES votes and 4 NO votes in the UK
32 YES votes and 1 NO vote in Slovakia

President of Latvia proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

Again I plan to vote YES in the next few hours. This is because I believe although slightly weaker than the UK, Latvia are a good ally. Again like Slovakia, our existing MPP with Latvia has allowed our citizens opportunities at times to fight in Latvian wars to gain experience whilst supporting allies and improving our new world reputation

Currently the vote stands (09.43 Day 1,841 of the New World);
21 YES votes and 2 NO votes in the UK
26 YES votes and 0 NO votes in Latvia

Please let me know your views on both the law proposal above if you'd like. You can comment or send me a personal message.

As mention in the preamble there is one finished law proposal, I'd like to update you on;

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Brazil

As planned I voted YES. This was because I believed Brazil would to be a good ally thus a mutual protection pact with them made sense due to their strength in the new world. An additional bonus it would also allow the citizens of UK to directly support them in their war efforts without moving. It was also the consensus of my constituents who provided feedback to me.

The vote ended
35 YES votes to 1 NO vote in the UK
27 YES votes to 8 NO votes in Brazil

UK Country President Elections

My party, the Workers’ Rights Party has decided to support BigAnt of UKPP for Country President. BigAnt is also being supported by New Era in his campaign to become our next Country President.

Personally speaking I’m very much for this as I believe BigAnt is the more progressive, inclusive choice.

His Home Affairs Manifesto has the greater potential to lead to a fairer society with more benefits for the average eUK citizen and an improved community.

His Foreign Affairs Manifesto has again the greater potential to ensure the UK continues to have an excellent reputation among our allies while providing us with a direct war and the benefits this brings. Additionally I believe BigAnt and the team he'll build around him will be capable to manage the risks a war brings.

Closing thoughts

As always my door is open to suggestions and I'm happy to offer advice or raise matters that may be concerning you.

Who are the Workers' Rights Party?

The Workers’ Rights Party is a political party which strives to see the eUK is full of dedicated, active and well-informed citizens supported by their government. We are dedicated to ensuring equality and enhancing society for all eUK citizens. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

How can you help?

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Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)