[WRP] - A view from Parliament - Issue 12

Day 1,873, 13:58 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George


This may not be the best time to release my latest “A view from Parliament” with the standard election practice of vote buying occurring again. While I respect authors' and party’s right to buy votes, although I would never buy votes myself as I’d like people to choose to vote for an article I publish on merit rather than be brought. It makes me wonder if a “Top 5” article is that critical. I for one try and read as much published in the UK media as possible whether it has 1 vote or 100 votes. I wonder if there are any UK citizens who only read “Top 5” articles and make their judgments solely based on them.

Anyways that aside, this article will bring you updates on three completed law proposals and updates on 5 other congressional votes. I’ll end with explaining why I and the Workers’ Rights Party decided to support BigAnt once again and although late in the day encourage you to vote for BigAnt if you have not used your vote yet.

Law proposals

Three completed law proposal are;

First was;

Income tax change from 3% to 1%

I voted YES. This was because of the same reasons why I voted “Income tax change from 5% to 3%” 7 days ago. It's been a long standing policy of my own and the Workers' Rights Party to reduce income tax to encourage spend, Less to the Government, more to the hard worker. Again it was only a marginal increase to daily wages however again even a marginal increase would have mounted up over days, weeks and months.

The vote ended
17 YES votes to 17 NO votes

This resulted in the law proposal being rejected. Although I voted for a law proposal that was ultimately rejected, it represents the will of Congress therefore the will of the people they represent so I can’t have any complaints.

The next was;

President of Slovakia proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

I voted YES. Slovakia is a good, friendly ally for the UK to have. Slovakia has also been a loyal ally aiding us in our battles and I’m sure will continue into the future. The MPP should also continue to allow our citizens to aid them in their own battles.

The vote ended
34 YES votes to 2 NO votes in the UK
34 YES votes to 0 NO votes in Slovakia

The final completed law proposal was

Minimum wage change from 0.1 GBP to 0.5 GBP

I voted No. This is because most citizen who choose to work for 0.1 GBP do so for a reason, such as part of a commune, as it's very easy to obtain a position in a UK company for wages far exceeding 0.1 and 0.5. So I didn't see the point of this marginal increase.

The vote ended
17 YES votes to 16 NO votes

This vote passed, Although I voted against a law proposal that was ultimately passed, it represents the will of Congress therefore the will of the people they represent so I can’t have any complaints. It'd would be interesting to get further views from my constituents on this law proposal.

Other Congressional Votes

This week members of Congress also had some additional polices to consider proposed by citizens.

Details of the other Congressional votes can be found here. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/december-039-12-mola-final-report-2187603/1/20

My voting and reasoning is as follows

1. All Forum Legislation will be abolished.

I voted YES, The forum legislation wasn't 100% relevant to the average UK citizen anymore in my opinion so why not let the MoLA and their ministry decide if any additional legislation is required to improve and make the UK a fair and open country for it’s citizens.

2. Legion will no longer be called the "Official Government Military Unit".

I voted YES, In my opinion no Military Unit based in the UK is a bad place to start your life in the new world and no Military Unit based in the UK wouldn't give its all to defend these shores and the shores of our allies so why have one “Official” Government Military unit. As fantastic and worthy the Legion is, it’s an unnecessary distinction and not being official will not cause the Legion to be any less of a credit to the UK.

3. The Government will pay for a Military Unit to move to allied countries and fight in Resistance Wars.

I voted NO. I don’t believe the UK needs a Military Unit as describe above and public money could be spent better elsewhere

4. This Government and all past Governments will release all of the resources they used to the public, such as Surveys.

I voted YES. I think more Government transparency and openness is fantastic and should be encouraged when ever possible.

5. I agree to read the advice on the Citizenship Spreadsheet before giving someone Citizenship.

I vote YES, Again this seems like an open, transparent and fair way of selecting which foreign citizens should be granted eUK citizenship. It’s worth trying it to see how it works.

As always I welcome the view of my constituents. Please feel free to comment or personal message me.

Closing thoughts

Once again my party, the Workers’ Rights Party has decided to support BigAnt of UKPP for Country President. BigAnt is also being supported by New Era, One Vision, Zulu Empire and Dharma Initiative in his campaign to continue as our Country President.

Personally speaking once again I’m very much for this. BigAnt has had a very eventful and exciting term and while unfortunately he hasn't united the country in a way I hoped he would, he still remains open to being inclusive and a CP which listens to the public.

BigAnt and his cabinet have also proven themselves very capable to create polices which have been very progressive in ensuring the UK has a fairer society with more benefits for the average eUK citizen and an improved community. I believe this will continue with BigAnt remaining as CP.

I also believe that BigAnt can continue to ensure the UK continues to have an excellent reputation among our allies while providing us with direct war and training war opportunities and the benefits this brings.

So if you've not voted already please consider casting your vote for BigAnt.

Who are the Workers' Rights Party?

The Workers’ Rights Party is a political party which strives to see the eUK is full of dedicated, active and well-informed citizens supported by their government. We are dedicated to ensuring equality and enhancing society for all eUK citizens. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

How can you help?

Join the Workers’ Rights Party – Together we can work towards a better, stronger and brighter eUK

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs