[WookCP] Just one last thing...

Day 2,511, 16:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

Well that went rather spiffingly…

This is my final article as Country President of the eUK and I’d just like to thank everyone that made this term a success.

From the curmudgeonly, cynical but damned fine soldiers of the Royal Army Dental Corps, to all the members of my cabinet, to Congress who didn’t attempt to impeach me this time out and to our friends and allies in the North Sea Protection Pact for making the campaign in Scandinavia fun and well coordinated. To you all, plus every single member of the eUK who got involved this month, well done.

Just keep on skankin’ you lovely lot…

We took on Norway, then Sweden too and alongside the Dutch held on to both countries until we had other priorities. We gained a couple of deer regions for a little while and thus boosted our food production bonuses, on top of receiving some fine taxes from those wonderful Swedes.

Then when LETO member the Republic of Moldova decided to air strike our neighbours Ireland, we got involved and with some heavy fighting managed to win every single battle against those tricksy Moldovans.

All in all some amazing performances from our military units and by our allies who have helped us out, just pushing the wall back in our favour on a number of occasions. I certainly had a good time earning a fair few True Patriot medals and I hope you did too.

The team behind the fur…

I was fortunate to have a great group of ministers and deputies assisting me this month, but the stand out pair have to be my Ministers of Defence.

CptChazbeard and BrickTamland were brilliant this month. Together we made sure orders were updated in articles, on the #MoD channel on irc plus using our military messaging system. I think it helped enormously that everyone was engaged and knew what our priorities were...which led to two successful campaigns and pats on backs all round.

Two fine gents

The rest of the cabinet played vital roles too, so hats off to Huey George and ArgoFookYourself in the Ministry of Finance, Kapten Johnson in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rob the Bruce who acted ably in my rare absences as my vCP and of course my Congress Liaison, Massacar.

Superb work by everyone.

Wook watched…

Now the term is up, I have one last job to do and that is to reveal the winners of my Wook’s Watching competition. All you had to do was fight, write and make a difference this month and you’d get noticed by me.

Then using my patented Wook Points System I awarded some weekly prizes and kept a tally going all month.


So...this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for….and the winners are…

3rd Place - VoodooMike71 with 2,258pts wins 150 Q7 tanks.

2nd Place - Fataliix with 2,467pts wins 10 gold.

1st Place - Paulus G with a mega 3,652pts wins 30 gold.

The “Made Wook laugh most during his term” prize goes to Rob the Bruce for his Congress leaks articles, 10 gold coming your way!

Top notch work by all of you though, even those who didn't win prizes. I look forward to seeing you all continuing to contribute in the future.

Well, that’s everything from me then. It looks as though Huey George is going to win the current CP election so good luck to him for the month ahead.

Let’s keep the media full of stuff and things, even if you think it’s rubbish (it probably is, but who cares?) still publish it. As long as one person reads it, it’s fulfilled its purpose.

Thanks for the shits and giggles,


Outgoing eUK Country President
Royal Whipping Boy
Hairiest Dentist

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