[SC]Blood Brothers.

Day 1,148, 13:08 Published in Serbia Hungary by IV. HUpakolas


Some serbians are disappointed about Hungarian actions nowadays.But you need to know that we never ever...ever leave you Serbia.You are younger brother but definitely the stronger.We arent jealous of you, we are Proud.And we have irl issues in this game i think the closest relationship is between serbs and huns.

Long time ago...

- We helped U to reach your crown jewel Liaoning...i remember when we holded the line in Inner Mongolia.

-after that many LK battle we helped you with incredible mobile damages...USA attack 1.2M and 549 ppl, China attack 2.2M damage and 900 ppl all Hungary went to help U.

Best Erep video eve'

- We deleted Croatia side by side taking revenge of Cromanians.

And here comes my best Erepublic experience the longest battle eve' 30 hour pure fight in LK.
They think they can beat us at night but they were wrong...Dont mess with serbian army.

Somewhere in a hidden Phx bunker...

- Oh My God!!China and USA cleared the map in LK.said Balthazar.
- +_+.
- Dont worry Balta.said Clueless
- So what we are gonna do Clue?ask Ernst.
- HM.We gonna win this battle.
- o>

After 18 hour of fight hospitals arrived.And we started to clean the map.

#nightwatch room.Hungarian night squad barrack. 04:00 AM.80 hungarian soldier online...

- Commies are coming. (Superdodo)
- 😃 (Czygler)
- Hold the line dont move out from hospitals range!! (Ernst)
- Here they come!! (Nalaja)
- They fight with rokit lancher :3. (Nitr0gen)
- Let them come. (Haszontalan)
- How many serbs are awake? (szeszmo)
- 350 O.O. (Ernst)
- Too easy 😃. (Bsandor)

3 hour later...

- OK!Its our turn.Start the engines we gonna kick them to the Moon. (Ernst)
- Understood. (Athompson)

p.s. As i said before i dont like serbs...I LOVE THEM!!!We are brothers, our brotherhodd forged in battle.So say we are!!!

This article is dedicated to my serbian friends: Kistru,Clueless, Kibla, Balthazar, Oriana(), Lukaz, gid1, Nemanjaa, EFOF, desert_hamster, Cookis_Crisps,...and invalidi_vozodovac1.