[Rebel] Combat orders--- Fight For Belgium

Day 2,276, 03:57 Published in Belgium Cyprus by Vincent Pain

JOIN HEADHUNTERZ http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/1831?page=1

We stand and fight!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_TKhQ7KK1Y&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PL2DCA99906F7BC787

Citizens of Belgium and friends,
its time to strike back. Join the restistance, Our own GOV has chosen to fight against it's own people to keep Belgium in their hands occupyd by Poland 'their is a name for such people' collaborators.

Many organizations have risen up on one side or the other, in the purpose of ending the endless conflicts; through annihilation of the enemy or peaceful negotiation...all have failed. In the midst of such disorder, we need change, we need to stand up against those traitors, we wil get help from right and left wingers... all of us HATE colaborators and traitors.