[Opposition] Mid Term Scrutiny

Day 2,889, 03:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Frixios of the Clyde

Hello all,

This article is an offical update on the opposition of Sambo's Nifty Government.
We have held one meeting, but it was stopped after this happene😛

Sambo has done one or two things right:

1) We haven't been NE'd just yet
2) We have been liberated

But he has also done a few things wrong, so I call for an Impeach:

1) Have you seen a MoHA article?
2) He hasn't fired me
3) Addaway hasn't annoyed me off yet
4) Sambo hasn't written me a letter urging for me to back his NE on Croatia plan
5) He hasn't done any PMQ's or Cabinet meetings.


Also where is the referendum on Scottish indepennce from the eUK that he promised in his Manifesto?


Thank you,
