[MoCH] Farewell + giveaway

Day 2,388, 05:49 Published in Japan Japan by Nanashi Senshi

Time really goes fast, when you're doing something or at least trying to do xD So the time has come for us ( the MoCH team for month May ) to say farewell to the citizen of eJapan. After one month of work our mandiate has come to a end and it's time to summarize our results and impression. As I said in my introduction article this was my first time working for/in the goverment so I tried to do my job as best as I could, altough I didn't achieve all my goals for this month due to various real life and e-life reasons, I hope so that at least you, the citizens of eJapan, are satisfied with the work of the MoCH for this month, because everything we did, we did it for you.
Maybe we didn't do a great job, but I think we've at least done a good job this month, do you agree?

MoCH articles for month May:
- [MoCH] Introduction and plans
- [MoCH] Golden Week giveaway
- [MoCH] Did you know? ( Part 1 )
- [MoCH] Did you know? ( Part 2 )

MoCH events:
Empress day:
- [MoCH] Empress Day event May ( Nominations )
- [MoCH] Empress Day May 2014 ( Voting )
- [MoCH] Empress Day May 2014 ( Winners )
Emperor day:
- [MoCH] Emperors Day event May ( Nominations )
- [MoCH] Emperor Day May ( Voting )
- [MoCH] Emperor Day May ( Winner )
Princess day:
- [MoCH] Princess day ( Nominations )
- [MoCH] Princess day ( Voting )
- [MoCH] Princess day ( Winner) + Giveaway

This pretty much summarize what we did and achieve this month. I hope that our new events ( Emperor and Princess day ) become the part of our e-culture and tradition and continue to organize in the future by MoCH.
At the end,I want to thank arhangellord for giving me the opportunity to work as a MoCH for month May. Also I want to thank the members of my team for the support and to thank all of you who have supported and participated in the MoCH events, Arigatou gozaimasu😁

The first 20 citizens of eJapan who comment this article will get 100 Q3 food, just write Nippon Banzai and you will get your food.

Your MoCH team:

Minister of Culture & History: Nanashi Senshi
Vice Minister of Culture & History: Turt037
History Director: sto kila bazuki
Graphics Director: Turt037