[FUPQ-19] Be a patriot

Day 3,776, 14:46 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

[FUPQ-19] Be a patriot

The Free University of Phoenix Quinn is a service of the Socialist Freedom Party, a person-centric collective with a universal perspective and a down-to-earth praxis. Our utilitarian motto is: "Think galactic, Act elastic, Be fantastic". Or something like that. At any rate, it is blissful.

This is lecture Number 19 in a 20-part series on How to Combat Tyranny.

Set a good example for what your country -- and your e-country -- means for the generations to come. They will need it.

Here's a list of a few things that are NOT patriotic:

* Mocking war heros and their families.
* Discriminating against veterans when hiring.
* Trying to ban disabled people from your property.
* Confusing minor personal tribulations with traumatic national ones.
* Avoiding paying taxes, especially when working families (or players) pay their fair share.
* Spending contributions to political campaigns or group treasuries on personal swag.
* Admiring dictators in other lands.
* Cultivating relationships with human rights abusers.
* Calling on other countries to interfere in your country's politics.
* Citing foreign propaganda when conducting domestic politics.
* Sharing advisors with oligarchs.
* Soliciting foreign policy advice from major shareholders of foreign-based companies.
* Reading out speeches written by folks on the payroll of foreign-based companies.
* Appointing important advisors who have taken money from or who are closely tied to foreign propaganda outlets.
* Appointing a director of foreign affairs who has close business dealings with foreign states.

A nationalist is not the same thing as a patriot.
A nationalist encourages us to be our worst, then tells us that we are the best.
A nationalist endlessly broods on power, victory, defeat, revenge whilst being uninterested in what happens in the real world (or to real players).
A nationalist is a relativist whose only truth is the resentment felt in relation to others.
A nationalist has no universal values, neither aesthetic or ethical.

A patriot wants the nation to live up to its ideals.
A patriot asks fellow citizens to be concerned with their best selves.
A partiot is concerned with with real world, with other players, with sustaining the nation and its community.
A patriot has universal values, always wishes the nation well, wishing that it should do better.

There is a dark, menancing range of possible futures. A nationalist will always say "that can't happen here", which is the first step towards disaster. A patriot knows that the worst can happen, but that we will prevent it.


At the end of this lecture series (next week is the last lecture!), important fake diplomas and titles will be doled out based on responses provided in the comment sections. Participation counts. Indicate attendance by leaving a comment or endorsing the article. Higher honors will be awarded according to the degree of critical thinking, mindfulness and humor exhibited by responders.

Examples of questions you might like to discuss in response to this lecture:

* How does the contrast between being a patriot and being a nationalist play out in eRepublik?

* Particularly with respect smaller e-nations: Some seem to thrive while others don't. Some need the protection of a bigger alliance; others pretty much maintain their integrity as a community no matter what happens to their borders. What is key to successfully holding a "national community" together in eRepublik?