[FUPQ-18] Be calm when the unthinkable arrives

Day 3,769, 13:33 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

The Free University of Phoenix Quinn is a service of the Socialist Freedom Party, a trans-national collective with a galactic vision and a pragmatic workplan. Our proletarian motto is: "Think galactic, Act elastic, Be fantastic". Or something like that. I dropped my reading glasses into my beer and can't really see what I'm typing anyway.

Today's lecture touches on a serious enough topic that I have not even tried to tie it to any in-game events. I am sure some parallels could be made, but it is probably not really dignified to do so?

Modern tyranny is "terror management". When attacks occur, authoritarians exploit such events in order to consolidate their own power. Disasters, in their worldview, require the end of checks and balances, the dissolution of opposition parties, the suspension of freedom of expression and the right to fair trial.

It's the oldest trick in the fascist handbook. Don't fall for it.

A "state of emergency" has a way of never going away. Hitler's lasted for twelve years. Right-wing jingoists in the USA still work 9/11/2001 into their twisted discourses around why it is necessary to be bombing Afghan peasants 17 years later.

Any act of terror, whether large or small, even if of limited inherent significance, can be used as an excuse to institute a regime of terror. Our modern masters of fear have even manufactured their own terror attacks in order to remove obstacles to total power and to provide an excuse to attack their neighbors.

Sometimes it reaches into realms of the absurd, with spokesmen for the autocrat having even announced news of the terrible explosion before it took place. Such mistakes by the murderous ones turn into further restrictions on liberty. The security forces botch the job, end up massacring civilians. So the the boss seizes control of more television stations to suppress the news and recast the story.

It works into their overseas machinations too. Our modern mafia-style regimes don't hesitate to deploy their regular army or covert armies as a terrorist force, simply removing insignia from uniforms and then denying all responsibility for sufferings inflicted. Or 'autonoumous' hackers produce scary fake propaganda intended to sway foreign electorates in a direction aimed at stirring up support for similar-minded mafiosi thought to be simpatico to the strongman.

For tyrants the terrible moment of shock is seen as an opportunity to enable an eternity of submission.

We must not let our natural fear and grief enable the destruction of our institutions. Courage does not mean never fearing, or not grieving. It means recognizing and resisting such "terror management" techniques right away, from the moment of the event, precisely when it seems most difficult to do so.

Being a bystander is not an option.


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